Feathers of Personality

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After claiming the dungeon, you were teleported outside in a large ditch, all of the dungeon gone. You groaned, looking at the sheer face. How would you get out? And at that, bring the treasures you had gained?

As you thought about the new problem in front of you, someone called out. "Hello?!" You yelled up. Someone's head popped into your vision, and they seemed to understand your dilemma.

"Go fetch something to get her out!" The person ordered. Within five or ten minutes, a bunch of planks fell into the ditch. You sighed in relief. A bunch of people came into the ditch and took out the treasure and bags. Now that you were out of the dungeon, you realized that your body was absolutely exhausted.

After climbing out of the ditch, you looked at your savior. He had acne scars across his cheeks and nose, his eyes were slightly slanted and his long, purple hair was tied into a ponytail. He had pink eyes, an earring in his left ear, was in pink and white robes, and the bracelets on his wrists had the same symbol as his earring. He scratched his head, looking at you curiously. A black feathered fan was in his other hand, and the pink outer robe was falling off his shoulder. His white robes held the big dipper and a taijitu symbol, and you dipped your head in greeting.

"Thank you for getting me out of there. I don't know what I would've done without you." You thanked the man. He smiled kindly.

"It was no big deal. I assume you are Y/n?" He asked.

"Y-yes. How'd you know?" You responded.

"My brother informed us that a young lady was in the process of capturing a dungeon for our empire. I happened to be passing by when you finished capturing it." The man answered. He looked over you. "And it seems like you could use a warm meal." The man commented. You blushed.

"If it's okay...." You answered. He smiled warmly once more.

"Of course. We've been told to keep an eye on this area in case you came back. Come with me and I'll have something prepared for you." He invited. Then you realized- did this guy say brother?! You thought.

"A-are you brothers with Prince Kouen?" You asked shyly. He nodded, leading you onto the ship. "U-um, m-may I know your name, Lord?" You asked shyly.

"Koumei." He answered. You blinked. This man was the exact opposite of his brother. In possibly every way. He was, for one, much less intimidating. "Please prepare something for our newest dungeon capturer, Y/n." The man ordered. He then hid his face under his fan. "Is there anything else I can do for you while we head to Balbaad?" He asked. You shook your head.

"You've already done enough, thank you." You answered smiling. He scratched the back of his head once more. Either it was a nervous habit or he just had the worst itch in the world. You chose nervous habit. "Is there anything I can do for you, though?" You asked nervously.

"You have the Toran language written down, right?" He asked. You nodded, pulling off your pack. He took the bag away from you, leaving you alone in the room with the cook. The cook handed you a plate of oatmeal and you thanked him graciously. And, dear God, was it the best thing you had ever had.

*Time skip*

The rest of the boat trip was boring. Koumei, the only person who you were acquainted with, had practically locked himself away in his cabin. The rest of the crew eyed you distrustfully as you tried to become better acquainted with them. These people would probably be your comrades in many ways, and so you figured you ought to at least know their names. You sighed, sitting on the floor of a shared cabin with some other people, all of who left you alone. A deep sigh escaped from your lips once more.

You knew that you could not disturb the imperial prince because that would make a bad impression and there was also the fact that you were trying to Djinn equip- even if it was just a weapon. But you had no clue where to begin and what impact it would leave upon the ship.

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