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"So, Gyokuen is really a thousand years old, eh?" Kouen asked, hiding his lips with his hands. As usual, you could not see the man's real emotions, but he did have a spark of annoyance in the glittering red depths. Judar yawned in boredom. "And her real name is Arba..." The man went on, lost in thought.

"I'd never expected her to be such a person..." Hakuei looked more shocked than anyone except her little brother. She shook her head, highly troubled. "If she's lived for a thousand years, then can we even kill her?"

"I don't know..." Hakuryuu responded as you rubbed Kougyoku's back. "What if she just comes back?"

"That's enough out of all of you. You forget, King Solomon developed circle magic that stops any type of magic from being used. According to Aladdin, Arba was the most powerful swordsman. Am I right, Y/n?"

"You are." You confirmed Koumei's findings. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that if she's without her magic, then she can only use her swordplay. And at least a twenty-on-one person battle would be hard for anyone to fight, even if we didn't have the use of our metal vessels. Without her magic, she can't use any of her tricks as well." Koumei responded.

"Including her borg." Kouen finished. Kouha giggled.

"A genius plan as ever, Brother Mei!" He complemented his elder brother. "And we have the best fighters as well, don't we, Brother En?" The Third Prince asked Kouen. You waited, hoping that he'd give some type of agreement. Anything to say that he was proud of the progress his family had made. Kougyoku beside you was as nervous, perhaps more so.

She, more than anyone, would want her brother's approval. You knew that, and you knew that even if Kouen didn't say anything, he would be proud nonetheless. But still, you willed him to praise his family for their skills. They all needed to hear it- especially from the eldest of the siblings, who were most likely to become Emperor.

"My brother and King, are you alright?" Koumei asked after a long silence. Kouen finally looked up.

"Yes, I'm fine. Let's just get started with the preparations." The male responded, standing up. "Judar, do you know any useful magicians who could come up with this magic?" He asked the Fallen Magi. Judar nodded, yawning. "Then go find them and bring them here, to Parthevia. I don't want them anywhere near Gyokuen."

"Understood, I guess..." Judar responded, teleporting away. After a while, you shuffled once more.

"The rest of you start preparing for a fight," Kouen ordered. You all nodded, beginning to leave the room. "Y/n, may I speak with you?" Kouen called you back. You stopped in your tracks, watching your friends leave. Kougyoku gave you a glance of sympathy, and perhaps a little jealousy.

"What is it, Lord Kouen?" You asked after the group left. He sighed, rubbing his temple with one hand. "Are you alright, Lord Kouen?" You tipped your head in worry. Had he fallen ill?

"Kouha and the others know this, but I think that Koumei should be Emperor. He himself doesn't know, but I wanted to see what you thought." Kouen went straight to the point. "Do you think that the others would follow him in times of peace?"

"I am a little biased, as we are... romantically inclined to each other," You began after a little pause to process the information. "But from what I've seen, he always worries for other people and does what he believes will cause the least amount of casualties. His soldiers respect him, and he does well in every scenario apart from actual combat. Yes, Lord Koumei can be a little foolish when he is concerned for his family and friends, but even then, he does his best to remain calm." You told him.

"I see. So you respect him a lot, then?" Kouen asked. "And you said that you two are romantically inclined. Does this mean you are his lover?" You blushed at Kouen's blunt tact, hiding your face with some of your hair. One eye could still be seen, though.

Conquered (Koumei X Fem!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora