Math sucks, no matter the person

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You sighed. When Koumei had said that the trip would be long, he was not kidding. It'd been three weeks, as he had said, and you still had one to go. But it was not by the fair sea, but instead by the bumpy and troubled roads of land. Even now, when you were merely sitting down on a wagon, did you feel every single bump and rock that the caravan took you over. By caravan, it was really just many carriages of which were being guarded by soldiers.

You looked over at Koumei quickly. He and his attendant had been silent the whole trip, and the only company you had was a stray kitten that had found its way onto the boat. Of course, you'd had to let it go. Instead, you now were supposed to read the beginnings of a math scroll, to which was your doom. Despite the many figures to show you how to do it, and the company of which tried to explain the math to you, you could not understand until you wrote it out yourself. This kept you very busy, and you often had to re-read a line every couple.

Now Koumei could not write down military strategy, and was instead staring out a window, of which seemed to interest him very little. He held a bored expression and, though he'd had the opportunity to catch up on his rest, looked as he often did. Unrested. The carriages stopped.

"Hmm? Are we stopping already?" You asked. Chuu'un shoke his head.

"I'm afraid we've been stopped." Koumei answered. "Chuu'un, please, take care of this. The soldiers clearly cannot take those many bandits." Koumei ordered. You rolled up the scroll, ready to get up to see the comotion, but another attendant held up his hand. It's message? 'A lady, even if she is a dungeon capturer, should not see this'. You sat back down, listening to the plunge of metal into flesh. Clearly the bandits had not been aware of just how skilled Koumei's attendant was.

If Chuu'un is this skilled, just how skilled is Lord Koumei? You wondered. Perhaps the answer would never come. But you knew that he was a skilled man, and that even if you could never see it, you would respect, and possibly fear, him. After all, this man had made plenty of plans and tactics for his empire, and look how far they had come.

You sighed. The air here was so much more different than that of Balbaad. Perhaps it was because you were in a forest, but even the sea's chill did not come close to the feeling of freedom that the air here brought. Even the trees were so much more different, and the animals that sheltered here could be heard even above the groaning of a carriage.

Chuu'un came back into the carriage, and it began to move once more. So you continued with your studies, be as confusing as they were. A bit of your hair (Sorry if you have short hair!) fell into your face, and you brushed it out of your face.

"I see that you've been wearing the trinket I got you." Koumei observed, motioning to the blue piece that sat in your hair, keeping it in place. You blushed a light pink, hardly noticeable to anyone. Except yourself, of course. You had to admit, it was very rude to refuse such a gift, even if it was very cheap.

"Yes, I decided that I liked it a lot. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart." You answered. He smiled, scratching the back of his head once more. That action was most definitely a nervous habit, you decided.

"I'm very glad you like it. Besides, it's metal, so if you ever break your staff, your Djinn will transfer its power to that, so be sure to wear the piece often, all right?" Koumei answered. His smile seemed to be that of an angel's, in your eyes. You nodded.

"Yes, I'll do that. Thank you once more, Lord Koumei." You answered. He looked down at the scroll you held, recognizing that you seemed to be having trouble with the math. (LOL ME)

"I don't really have a lot to do, so if you wanted, I could help you with that." Koumei offered. You looked at him in disbelief. Was that a real offer?

"Lord Koumei, I assure you, we can teach her ourselves." Assured a scholar beside you. "You do not have to waste such time on her education."

"I cannot make military strategy away from my fellow strategists, and have finished my forms of busy work on the trips to and from Balbaad. Besides, you seem to just be confusing my fellow dungeon capturer. If I let you teach her any longer, I will go insane just listening to your inadequate ways of explanation. Allow me to teach someone who needs it. It will keep me busy, as well." Koumei responded, his eye glinting. This man really is a genius! You thought to yourself.

"Thank you for assisting me." You thanked, bowing in gratitude. Koumei just gestured for you to sit next to him on the couch that had been placed in the carige. After you sat next to him, he grasped one end of the scroll.

The way he explained the knowledge so fluidly was absolutely amazing. He never moved from a topic until he was sure you understood it, and the way the male beside you explained it made you feel much more relaxed about living with the Kou.

The days seemed to pass so much faster as you learned. It was already sunset of the fourth day, and you understood the subjects within the scrolls so much better than before.

"I must thank you again, Lord Koumei. You actually made sense of these." You thanked him once more.

"It is just a way to pass time while we head to my home." He answered, scratching his head once more.The more you heard his voice, the more you realized how soothing it actually was.... You shook your head. It was not worth distracting yourself other. Besides, you still had no idea who would become your teacher of the Djinn equip. You took in a deep breath. Whoever was to teach you surely wouldn't be worse than that of Kouen, right?

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