Hopes of the Future

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Sunlight filtered into the room, waking you up. You yawned and stretched, smiling. For a moment, all you were was a servant ready to work. But a look beside you said differently. Judar was sleeping beside you, and in an instant, you had knocked him out of the bed.

"Ow! Peachy hag, whyyyyy?!" Judar asked, sounding betrayed.

"Why?! Why?! Oh, I don't know, maybe because I didn't give my consent to you, Judar!" You exclaimed, blushing. "Also, I'm in a budding relationship with Lord Koumei! If he had seen this, I wouldn't be able to clear it up for a month!" You went on.

"Yeah, yeah, I suppose I understand..." Judar responded, pouting. "But you could've been a little nicer, ya know!" He added. You sighed, shaking your head. "Anyway, we're leaving in two weeks and Asii wanted me to let ya know that she wanted to spar with you. But when I came in here, you were so cutely curled up and I felt tired, so I decided to join you."

"I'll let this pass, as long as you never mention it to anyone, okay?" You told him, getting up. He nodded. "I'd honestly think that you were a rapist if I didn't know you so well!"

"I mean, I could be. You really shouldn't let your guard down, Peachy Hag." Judar responded as he pulled out a sketchbook.

"GIVE THAT BACK, YOU ASS!" You screeched, chasing him. He laughed, dropping the sketchbook in the air. You managed to catch it but landed on the floor, your nightgown revealing the uppermost part of your upper thighs. Judar laughed even harder as he left, leaving you to squirm to a position that was less revealing.

You got up, changing quickly. (A/n: See the pic up top bc that's your outfit from now on until I say otherwise, lol) Walking over to the sparring grounds, you saw Asii and Hakuryuu training. Both of them were matching each other step for step, knowing what the other was going to do before they did it. You watched the fluid movements in awe.

"I see you're finally up!" Kouha greeted from where he was drinking some tea beside Kouen, who was drinking sake. You walked over to them, continuing your observations of the fight. "Those two are always trying to one-up each other, huh, Brother Mei?"

"Don't talk to me right now," Kouen responded, pouring more of the alcoholic beverage. "I'm too done."

"Why's that?" Kouha sounded very interested. "Did another girl run away screaming?"

"SHUT UP!" Kouen snapped in response, only confirming Kouha's findings. You sighed, shaking your head.

"Lord Kouha, Lord Kouen's business is his and his alone." You reminded. "I do not think you ought to address your elder sibling in such a way, don't you?"

"You sound like a scolding mother!" Kouha laughed. "I enjoy it. Please-"

"Well, there you are, Lady Y/n!" Asii accidentally cut off Kouha, who glared at the assimilated household member with a murderess gaze.

"I apologize for being late. You see, Judar decided to come rest in my room after seeing me asleep. He ended up on the floor," You told the group. Kouen and Kouha both looked utterly pissed, and Hakuryuu shook his head in exasperation.

"How dare he have the guts to share a bed with a taken woman?!" Kouha screeched in anger.

"I scolded him for it, and I expect he shan't do it again." You informed.

"Good. That man needs to learn some respect," Kouen nodded in agreement with Hakuryuu's comment. "Shall we spar, Lady Y/n? I would love to see how you use that staff of yours versus Asii's." He invited. You chuckled.

"Perhaps we three should fight each other at once, increasing our skills and seeing who is the best staff user." You suggested. Hakuryuu smiled, and Asii nodded in approval. She waved her tail back and forth, a new sign of anticipation and excitement.

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