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*Koumei's P.O.V.*

I sighed, listening once more to the clink of metal and plunge of steel into soft, supple flesh. This has gone on for four months... It's time to end it. "Master, it's been four months. Your brothers will be expecting more news soon. We ought to finish this soon." Chuu'un suggested, repeating my thoughts.

"And how shall we do that? The soldiers are losing their will to fight, and I can't fight their metal vessel user until a fellow dungeon capturer comes over here." I pointed out. "His shields are just too powerful for my Djinn."

"Then we ought to help him and Kougyoku conquer-" Pigeon feathers cut Chuu'un's point. I opened the tent, and Aras flew in.

"Hello, my friend. Do you have news from Parthevia?" I asked, opening the circular container. The soldiers came back in, reporting that they'd won the fight. "Good. We have news from Parthevia." I declared. The soldiers waited anxiously. "Parthevia belongs to the Kou Empire! Hakuryuu's forces are coming as we speak to aid us!" I yelled. Cheers rose above the announcement.

"That scroll's quite long. Is it from Y/n?" Chuu'un asked. "She must have a lot to report."

"Y/n says that she and Kougyoku have agreed to stay in Parthevia, where they will begin to make Parthevia a country. Hakuryuu is taking half of the northernmost army to Kouha's post, where he will inform Kouha of his victory, then come aid us. She adds that they've sent a note to Kouen, Hakuei, and the Capital, Rakushou." I informed, knowing that the summary was brief. And it did not add personal information from her to me.

"I see. Shall I go see how far we've pushed?"

"Yes." Chuu'un left the tent, leaving me to my thoughts. And the letter. I read it over and over, ten times at least.

(Go to the bottom of the page, link is probs there. If not, I'll be sure to add it lol)

I smiled, amused. She'd gotten a lot more confident. I could see it in her writing, which was a beautiful blessing. And she'd still kept her child-like innocence in the sense that she wanted people to dream for a better world. How foolish of an idea, but one that every person would entertain once in their life.

I shook my head, reading the line of her comment on my 'stubbornness' once again. Then I read the line of her comment on how much she loved me. "Yours only, Y/n...," I whispered, running my thumb across the line. She always ended her letters like that, and every time she said it, it felt truer. "Tch, you're so stupid sometimes, my love."

*Time skip*

"You ready?" I asked Hakuryuu. He nodded. "Spirit of Time and Space, flow throughout my body. Gather the stars that will rage against the fangs of corruption!" I ordered, Djinn equipping Dantalion. After Hakuryuu followed, we rushed towards the city, crashing open the gates for our soldiers. Soon we were greeted with Leoxis.

No words were spoken throughout the whole battle, and Leoxis was soon defeated. He laid on the ground, looking up at me and Hakuryuu angerly. "Sinbad will stop you."

"Will how things are going, I doubt it," Hakuryuu responded.

"You betrayed us, you bastard!" Leoxis barked as his soldiers lay wounded on the ground.

"He didn't betray anyone. He just went with the strongest players." I told the Knight King. He snarled, looking even more pissed. I ignored him, looking off into the distance. Y/n... We'll see each other soon, I promise.

"Lord Koumei. There are around 100 dead." Chuu'un informed. I nodded, closing my eyes. A battle with so few loss is good. Y/n's most recent letter flashed through my mind, reminding me that it was good to have emotions.

"How many wounded?" I asked, opening my eyes.

"I haven't had time to see."

"Then find out. As soon as they are seen to, we have orders to head to Balbaad." I replied.

"Of course, Lord Koumei." Chuu'un left, beginning to count the wounded.

"One of the soldiers that are unwounded, I want this supposed King placed in the brig. Every one of you shall go receive medical attention at once. " I ordered.

"Yes, Lord Koumei!" The soldiers cried out. I sighed, closing my eyes.

"We're one step closer to defeating that awful woman," Hakuryuu commented. I nodded. "You must be excited to be able to go see Y/n once more."

"Yes," I agreed, feeling tired. "I'm going to help inspect the damage. Then we'll begin the process."

"Okay." Hakuryuu agreed. " the way, Kouha's left to Balbaald. He said that he's excited to hear good news about you." Hakuryuu added before leaving to his households. Both of them were high-ranking officers and they'd been generals when my uncle ruled. How odd, that Hakuryuu does not trust anyone else as dearly. Well, I guess it's not really that far-fetched. He's been through much grief.

I sighed. Whereas I have a person who wouldn't even bat an eye should I go through so much, I thought, thinking of Y/n. She'd probably heard much about my life, and me. And yet she still was there, loving me. Calling herself 'mine alone.' A smile reached my lips. She was a very sweet girl, indeed.

I passed a broken stall, pausing when a glint caught my eye. I sighed, walking away from the stall. Perhaps later... If there was a later.

A/n: Horrid chapter, but ohhhhh well~ Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Bye, my lovely arrows! Stay weird! Amaria, signing off!! Baal style!! *Lightning flashes, and I disappear*

Conquered (Koumei X Fem!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang