Fate Of Cruelty

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Author's Note: Preview to Valentines Day Special! And no picture, I'm sorry.
Fate of Cruelty
     Fate decides to lead him to the one he loves... but just as soon as they give it, they take it away, tearing a heart in two.
     Laughing. Smiling. All the blue headed airhead would ever do. Emotional, too emotional, yet attracting an opposite. Black and white, yin and yang, sky and sun. Those are the things he found in his lover.
But fate can take as much as it gives...
     No matter how many times he thinks again. No matter how many times he wants to forget. It lingers. Just as the place he had left in his heart.
     He watched the body fall to the ground, blood seeping out of the stab wounds. He remembered the scene too strongly. A criminal had escaped. Known for their cunningness and love to kill teens, Ashiya had become the perfect victim. They were out exorcising a demon in a dark alleyway, when a shrill screech is heard. Following that sound, he hears the sound of someone's choked out screech, and the slit of a knife. He hears a thick liquid splatter against the walls and concrete, and something hitting the ground.
     He walks over, to see the one he cared about dearly, crumpled to the ground. Lifeless. Soulless. Dead. His eyes widened in horror as he raced to the boy's side. Tears flow down his cheeks as he hears the criminal snicker and race away. He holds the body close to his chest, as hugged the lifeless body.
     Blood flew into his kimono and onto his fingertips. The memory, as jagged as they come, haunts him every day. The one he wanted in his life the most, gone. Forever. He'd wake up in cold sweat, and cry, begging it to just be a nightmare. But it isn't. He would always walk into the Mononokean with slightly teary eyes, and a sad ball of fluff staring at him.
     A couple weeks had passed before he dared to go back to the rooftop. He stood on the rooftop, alone... again.... He looks up in the sky and tears dribble onto the red kimono, tainting it with his tears.
     "I wish you were here Hanae... I wish I could stand by your side again... Just one.... last... time..."
The two Yokai watch in silence as it's master stands on the rooftop. Both swore they saw a spirit watching him, the one he wanted to stand by. Blue hair and blue eyes, looking at him with an amount of love no one could describe. They all understood the searing pain the master felt, and how cruel fate could be.
-I wish I could stand by your side just one last time...

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