Abeshiya Week: Day 3

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Yes I am fully aware I am technically a day off because I started on Monday and not Sunday, but in my defense I was out all day and then got home and tried to finish my drawing for Ashiya's Birthday so cut me some slack. Yes I am also aware that my stories aren't ideally as long as I want them to be, but I'm doing this late in the night, and I feel that it would seem as if I am just dragging on the story for far too long if I do make it past 700 words. Feel free to toss nonsense at me. (And yes, I still dislike sic fics even though I technically did one today.)

Prompt: Holidays 

 "Good morning!"

Ashiya crouched down to meet his boyfriend's eye level, watching him smush his face further into the pillow. His blonde hair was crushed underneath against the pillow, as he rolled around until he was stomach down.

"Let me sleep."

Ashiya huffed, before running his hand through the other's hair.

"I know you're sick and you aren't feeling well, but it's Christmas. I'm pretty sure the Mononokean wouldn't like you missing it. Plus, I turned up the heat so it's not so cold anymore. M'kay?"

A muffled sigh could be heard from the pillow. Ever since Abeno stupidly decided that he could do a job in the freezing weather he had gotten sick. And Ashiya did not like it one bit.

It was a minor cold, and the coughing had already died down from how it originally started. Likewise, Ashiya decided that the best course of action was to force his boyfriend to rest, take in as much food and liquids he could, and to stay warm.

Just a week prior, they had put up a decent sized tree and decorated it with silver colored tinsel and beautiful shining ornaments that had the ability to glow in the dark. They had also added extra color changing lights to light up the room and make it more festive. Not like they were going to do much though.

"Fine. But get me some hot tea please."

Ashiya was quick to respond and dashed off to the kitchen.

He poured some hot water into a pot and ripped open a tea bag to dump the contents into the mug. When the water started simmering, Ashiya carefully poured the water into the cup and walked back into the room to leave the steaming tea on the table.

"Itsuki, I know you don't feel well but drink it. You need to stay hydrated, otherwise your immune system won't be able to fight off the infection."

Yet again, another sigh was heard and he heaved himself out of bed. His hard was all stuck to one side of his face, and his eyes showed how exhausted he (and his body) was.

Before long, Ashiya had already wrapped him up in a cocoon, wiped off his sweat, and practically started babying him. Unsurprisingly, this was not how either of them wanted to spend this holiday together.


Ashiya jerked up slightly, before raising his eyes to look at him.

"If you want, you can open your gift now."

He had completely forgotten about that.

"A-ah it's fine, no bother, I can wait for a while."

"Pfft. You never wait."

With a slight huff, Ashiya turned and walked out of the door to come back with a small box in his hand. A shiny red ribbon tied the package together, and tissue paper was not well concealed inside.

"I see you've gotten better at wrapping~"

He could hear him snort,"there was no wrapping this time."

The Morose Mononokean Oneshots (Mainly Abeshiya)-WarningDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora