A.S.A. Assassination Academy

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     Stepping onto the shiny wooden tiles, he watched the audience applaud and cheer in the sight of him on stage, smiling at the ever growing crowd. Lights slowly dimmed as the lights on the stage brightened, revealing the young man that stood behind the satin curtains.
     "Cadets, welcome to a new year of A.S.A. I am the new Chief Administrator of the academy and I welcome you all to a new year of excitement."
     Cheers rang out through the halls of the building, echoing until the last voice had finally dissipated. He smiled at the enthusiasm for the coming years seniors who would earn their place in the school's society.
     "As we all know, this school consists of levels and levels only, each prior to advancing into higher status. Is that not so?"
     He could not hear any hesitance or resistance in the shouts that followed.
     "That's pleasant to hear. For now, all schedules must be picked up the following week in the booths presented outside. Every Cadet must have their schedules and Identification Card to enter their classes. Understood?"
     "Yes Administer Ashiya!"
     "Then it's settled, schedules will be handed out in the following week with no exceptions. You enrolled into A.S.A. for a reason, and now you've all got to prove it."
      "Is that what you call your best effort? Pathetic. I've seen Ivory level Cadets do better," he hissed, staring at the person in front of him.
     The other only snarked a short reply before lunging at him, twisting his body to be able to swing at the stomach. With a simple leap, the blue-haired male leaped out of the way and onto his feet, with the moonlight cascading its rays onto his form.
     Sneering, the other spoke, "with all due respect sir, you seem to be out of practice for the title of Chief Administrator of A.S.A."
     Gaze following the trail of iron that led up to the other's chest, he smirked.
     "But I see that even you don't know the basics of combat. Let alone fighting against someone who has less experience.                 

 It's been years Itsuki, and I should've known you haven't gotten any brighter."
Blood trickling down to his knees, the blonde bent over, hand over his bleeding chest. He never once looked away from his old partner's dark blue gaze, one that now had the heat to set a spark to start any fire.
     "You haven't changed either, you're still as bloodthirsty as you were before, and I see you haven't changed much either."
     Eyes trained on the bloodied form, he crouched down, enough to meet the blonde's eye level.
     "You know Itsuki, if it wasn't for your pathetic actions, it would've been me in the streets this time. Not you."
     A small smirk fell upon his lips before he bounded away, no longer able to be seen by the slowly darkening alleyways.      A fight was always a fight, and it never ended without a blow to the chest.
"Yahiko-sama, what is it that you've done this time? I assure that it is something you already know is deemed unsuitable."
The young child stared at the ground that was tainted with faint blood splotches, easily noticeable from the naked eye. He sat in silence, knowing very well that this action could lead to his expulsion and the loss of this rank as the top of the class.
"We all know you've been the type to stir up trouble, don't we?"
The little boy nodded.
"And you know what is wrong with what you have done?"
He nodded again, but this time the Administrator remained silent. The younger male could tell that the Administrator was gazing at him, and he swore he could feel the searing heat of it digging into his skin.
Yahiko perked up, eyes as wide as could be.
"Meet me in Ace Shihou's office after school. We will be waiting for your arrival."
A simple bow and the young child was off, relieved of the stress that surrounded him. All he had was a detention, and nothing more.
The Administrator turned around to see one of his fellow subordinates sigh.
"You really like to keep school standards don't you?"
"I suppose that's true."
"Detention: Shimokamo Mioyahiko."
Ashiya watched Cadets bustle out into the halls and out of front doors, glad to know that many were taking to their studies well. After all, none of the children who now lived in the previously barren land would have survived if they had not known basic tactics to fend off predators. Werewolves, Splintered-eyed foxes, and any unknown entity could have killed them, and it was a war were those who were too weak would succumb to fatal blow from others.
"Hello there, Yahiko-sama. Pleasure to see you again."
The child bowed, ashamed of what he had done.
"I see you've arrived on time. Now, let's get started now, shall we?"
Every session never ended well. Either the Cadet was killed or weakened severely. It all depended on their actions and how severe each one was. Normally Cadets came out with scars, but never remembered why. An assassination school built on the pressures of strength to survive meant only those who obeyed were allowed to remain.
It ended like every other, with the Cadet weakened and an Ace watching from a distance, seeing the blood splatter onto the concrete floor of the building. Every Administrator had this authority and was always known to be the top of every chain of events. They had control over entire schools and occasionally could even control districts, forcing many out along the way.
     Ashiya was one of the merciful few; the ones who spared lives instead of murdering left and right. But he didn't always live to the merciful title he was claimed to have.
     A gash in the cheek, a scar on the shoulder and a deep cut with fractured limbs were just some of the injuries the young Cadet displayed.
     "Step away from him."
     The two authorities turned around. Behind them in the shadows was the figure of a man with blonde matted hair, and a sword at his side.
     "Bloodthirsty. Dangerous. Monstrous! Don't you know how many-"
     A gentle leap and Ashiya was standing by his side, with a knife at the blonde's throat. No one liked it when the Administrator was against them.
     Ashiya could see him tense when he stood by him, and the way his confidence wavered as he spun around him, with the blade just centimeters from piercing his veins.
     "In this world, it's live or die. You chose to live like this, and now you find your way into other people's business, and just like that, you get into trouble you would've never been in if it hadn't been for your stupidity."
     The Ace stood in silence, watching the scene unfold in front of him.
     Tossing the blonde to the floor, he pinned him down with his hands locked behind him. The blonde's chest was pressed against the bloodstained floor, and his blood ran cold.
     "Pathetic. Just like I said. You're pathetic Itsuki. You're on the streets, all alone. You say I'm a bloodthirsty mess when all you are is a scrap of waste in the world that we live in. Don't you see? It's your own doing."
     Ashiya could feel him breathing heavily, and sighed.
     "Live or die, make your choice."
     "Live or die, make your choice."
     Live to see the day where your life may never change, or die a pitiful death? He couldn't choose. But then again, he didn't have to. The Administrator did it for him.
     A chilling yet sweet voice rang through his ear.
     "Say goodnight."

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