Chapter 1 ~🦋❗️~

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Tears streamed down your face as
You felt the sting of a punch from your oh so beloved boyfriend.
Knocked down to the floor with only one arm supporting your balance
You did the quickest thing you could do
To avoid any more of the hits coming your way, you grabbed onto a hard case book
Throwing it into his face.
He yelled out in pain and you saw it as your chance to run,
Not being able to grab anything in fear that he would grab onto you and keep you his tormented prisoner again
You grabbed the closest thing to you, your phone.
And ran out into the forest
Scared for your life as it was getting dark,
But mostly scared of bumping into...him again....
You cried and cried
As you say underneath an old oak tree,
Thunder roared and rain started to pour from the sky.
You frowned and buried your face into your arms accepting that you would more than likely have no choice but to go back to your now ex-bf.
Your eyes shot wide open
Feeling the touch of a hand on your shoulder.
Yelping in a high pitch you slapped the hand away and jerked back falling onto your back
Mud covering you.
You moved a few strands of hair out from the front of your eyes to see better.
But what you saw was hard to make out...
It was a big blur of orange....
And what looked to be a red frown?
Staring for a second longer you responded.
"Hi...w-who are you?."
"W-what are y-you d-doing here?."
The voice asked.
"I got lost...after running away from my ex..."
He held a hand out.
"I-m hoodie. C-come w-with me."
"Y-you'll f-freeze out h-here."
Your eyes widened.
"You care if I freeze?."
"Of c-course.....w-who w-wouldn't?."
"My ex....he'd be perfectly fine with it..."
"W-we'll he sucks."
You smiled at that.
Hoodie brought you back to what looked like a fancy mansion....
You shouted.
"Is this for real?!?!. How is this possible?!?" Are you rich??."
You accidentally yelled quite loudly
Somebody who's skin was bleached white slammed the door open,
A boy with brown hair a 2 Hatchets popped up from behind him,
"You idiot! You brought a human here?."
The black haired guy said. Giving you a death glare,
The boy with the hatchets however...
His eyes grew huge and his mouth guard grew wide
You assumed it was a smile. He pushed the guy in white aside.
"Ooo! A new friend!."
"What's all this noise?."
A guy with a white mask and a black painted smile and yes came out.
You couldn't see it but you could feel the intense stare on you.
You hid behind hoodie a bit.
Hoodie noticed and pulled you in front of him.
"(Y/n) this is Masky."
"Masky...this is (y/n) try not to kill her everyone!. Cmon I'll show you around."
Hoodie said grabbing your hand.
You passed Masky as he continued to stare down at you.

Masky X Reader X Hoodie Where stories live. Discover now