Show and Tell!!!

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"Alright class,today is show and tell. Would any of you be you like to go first?" Ms. Allen ask with a small smile.

Ms. Allen had short brown hair green eyes.

A small tan arm raised in the air making the kids stare at him.

He wore brown overalls with a white shirt underneath. His hair was flat,but little baby hairs stuck up.

"I would like to go Ms. Allen" he said shyly.


The boy stood up with a small smirk.

"My name is Kai Smith and this is what I brought to school"

He dug in his shirt and pulled out two dollars. "This is money or my term moola!"

"That's alot" someone whisper.
"He's rich!" Whispered another.

Whispers begin in the room as Kai smirked.

"Wow Kai.....What a interested...thing you brought." Ms. Allen trailed off not knowing what to say.

"That's right guys. If you want a cookie for lunch,come find me!"

"Alright Kai,thank you for showing us what you brought. Anyone next?"

A boy with curly brown hair and blue eyes stood up.

He wore a mini orange scarf with a blue polo shirt and khakis pants.

"Hi. My name is Jay and I um- I brought my rocket ship to school. Me and my sister made it out of scraps of metal and other stuff."

Jay push a button and fog begin to come out the bottom. Lights blinked on and off amazing the kids. Well except for one.

"BoRing! I bet he bought that!" Shouted a brown haired boy.

"Okay Chen,don't tease Jay." Scolded the teacher.

She turn her attention back to Jay with a smile.

"That's really good Jay. Anyone next?"

"And so my little sister Nya, she jumped in front of me,and the beehive was coming close. So the money was right there and I ran straight for it!" Kai stood on top of the slides with kids standing around him,spellbound by the awesome story.

Nya was however crossing her arms in anger. She knew he was telling a lie,but couldn't do nothing about it.

Meanwhile on the swings Jay sat there looking at Kai. He wish he was him right now.

Than, a blonde headed boy sat on the next swing sniffing a little. Jay look at him with concern eyes. "Are you okay? Your nose is red"

The blonde kid nod. "Yeah it's my cold I have".

"Aww I'm sorry. Here! Do you want a tissue?" Jay ask.

The blonde kid nod. "Yeah!Thanks Jay. My name is Lloyd!"

Jay eyes widen. "As in Lloyd Garmondon?"

Lloyd frown and cross his arms. "Are you afraid of me?"

"No! I'm just...... Happy your here with me!"

Lloyd sigh in relief and flipped his hair back.

"That's a lie!" Shouted Chen. Both boys look up and saw Chen and his goons approaching them slowly.

"Leave us alone Chen before I'mma tell Ms. Allen" Lloyd warned

Chen just laugh and push Jay off the swing. "Ow! Hey I didn't do anything to you!" Jay cried. Tears ran down his cheeks as Chen stood over him with a huge grin.

Lloyd tried to help, but one of Chen's goons held his arms and mouth.

"Hey!" Shouted a new voice startling all of the kids.

A boy with flat black hair and a boy with Crystal white hair stood there with glares on their faces.

Chen growled and walked off grumbling. Actually Chen is scared of these kids.

Jay laid on the ground crying softly. His arm did kinda hurt from the fall.

"Are you okay Jay?" Ask the black haired kid.

He held out his hand and Jay took it helping him up.

My name is Cole, and this is Zawne. He don't talk much,but he's friendly." Cole said.

Jay stared at Zane with eyes sparkling. Zane stared back smiling a little.

Jay felt a blush come onto his face when Sane touched his scarf.

"Cute...." He mumbled before leaving the scarf alone.

"See you made Zane talk!" Cole gush

"That means you're special"

Jay raised an eyebrow.

Special? He's no special kid.

He just a regular kid with curly brown hair.

YESS!!! First chapter done and I really like to thank my sis for helping me like I didn't know how to start this so shout out to


Yass how do ya like it I hope this is good oh and Nya is 4 year old she is really smart like crazy smart so she went to kindergarten with Kai since she is really smart. I'm making Zane to be the quiet one (hehe get it) but yeah he don't talk alot like Ice bear fr we bare bears. Yeah that's it enjoy

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