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"Boys! What are you doing????"

Jay and Zane Immediately pulled apart, a blushing mess.

They stared at their teacher with fear.

"What are you two doing?!" Ms
Allen exclaimed.

She looked at both boys with confusion and humor.

"Uh! I'm sorry! I just thought-" Jay begin to explain, but Zane begin to cry out loud.

"I'm sorry! Please don't tell my mom and dad!" Zane wailed out.

Jay then begin to cry as well.

The two begin to cause attention to themselves.

"Boys, boys! Please! Uh..."

Ms. Allen took both of their hands, and led them to the classroom.

She sat them down in their assign seats, and calmed them down.

"Now what happened in the lunchroom?" Ms. Allen asked softly.

Jay sniffed, and looked at her with sad eyes.

"We didn't mean too..." Jay whimpered.

Zane nodded in agreement

"M-my fwriends w-was making fun of me a-and I I left to go find Z-Z-zwane since he w-was sad and and" Jay wiped his snotty nose with his sleeves.

"And I went and lwook for him and I fwound him so I did what my mommy do to my daddy when he is sad and- and I didn't know it was bad" Jay than burst into tears again.

Ms. Allen sigh "Boys look what you two did was wrong..... Did you know that???" Ms. Allen ask.

The two boys shook their heads sadly "I-I just want to *sniff* make Z-Z-Z-zwane feel better".

"I'm sowrry Jay for making you get in trouble"Zane apologize softly staring at the boy. "Me too" They both smiled than hugged each other.

Ms. Allen smile softly "Alright this is your warning I don't ever want you to see you two kiss again understand?"

The two boys nodded Ms. Allen sigh ok since you two skipped lunch and I have to pick up the rest of the kids in about 10min how about you two help me get the snacks for snack time?" Both boys eyes lid up

"YEAH!!!!" Jay screamed as they followed their teacher out the classroom.

*Meanwhile on the other side of Ninjago*

Unknown pov

I stared at my students as they train ' hmm it has seems that they are growing older and soon I will need a new team to train ' I thought. I walk over to the training course and stomp my staff on the floor to gather everyone attention. They all stopped "Come" I said turning around. I lead them to one of the training rooms and closed the door.

I sat down and pour myself a cup of Tea. "Why did you call us in here master?" The red ninja ask as he held hands with the water ninja.

"I call you all in here because.... Your time is up"

The ninjas all look at each other already knowing what their master is talking about.
"But sensei.... We can't just quit being a ninja we made enemies and.... How could you get together a whole new ninja team force before HE comes back?" The ice ninja ask.

It was complete silence for a few seconds. "I have decided that you all will retire soon but if HE comes back before y'all retire than all 5 of you will fight till the end but other than th-" The man was cut off by a loud ringing.

Everybody look back at the lightning ninja with an annoyed look. She blushed as she took out her phone "Sorry...." She look at her Phone "It's the school calling I better take this Ehh.." she chuckled nervously before stepping out.

"Back to what I was saying all of you will have 2 months" Than he dismissed them.

*Back to the school*

Ms. Allen tapped her foot against the floor as she waited for Mr and Mrs. Gordan to come along with Mr. Julien. She bit her nails and look at the time she only has about 20 min to talk to them before recess is over.

She look outside to see Jay, Zane ,Cole and Lloyd running around playing what she guess 'super hero' since Lloyd had his green jacket around him like a cape. She smiled at them and started thinking about her life. Until their was a knock at her.door snapping her out of her thoughts.

She smooth out her skirt before going over and open the door "Hi Mrs. Gordan and Mr. Julien" Ms Allen greeted letting them in.

"Hi sorry my husband couldn't make it he's at work" Mrs. Gordan apologize. "It's fine but please take a seat " Ms. Allen ask both parents took a seat at one of the tables.

"Ok so before I begin I just want to let you know that your kids are in trouble" Both parents let out a sigh in relief.

"Than what did my son do?" Mr. Julien ask.

"Well when I was in the cafeteria I saw Jay and Zane........... Kissing" Ms. Allen said it with a straight face trying not to smile.

Both parents gasp and look at each other

Was the two parents response Mrs. Gordan blush slightly "I- I'm sorry about that" The mom didn't know how to respond.

Ms. Allen smile a bit "I don't want them do it again cause if anyone finds out that they.. well ya know kiss than it would cause a big mess and they are close friends so I want you two to talk to them about what happened". Ms. Allen look at her watch.

"I'm sorry about this and I will talk to Zane about this....maybe they were confused" Mr. Julien explain.

Mrs. Gordan nodded in agreement. "I agree."

"So maybe you two could have lunch on a Saturday and talk to them about right from wrong." Ms. Allen suggested.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea." Mr. Julien said.

"So it's official then?"


The two parents shook hands and got up to leave. "Thank you for telling us." Ms. Gordan said.

"No problem." Ms. Allen smiled.


Sorry if the chapter is crappy

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