Christmas Play Part 1

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"okay class." Ms. Allen gathered the kindergarten class together on the rug.

"As you know, Christmas break is coming up." She said excitedly.

"Yay! Christmas!" Jay shouted in joy. He had multiple stares staring at him.

Jay blush and looked at his hands in his lap.

"Anyway, Christmas break is coming up, and I want to do a Christmas program."

"What's that?" Kai asked.

"It's like a play. So I've gathered some parts from the movie. Who have seen the Polar Express?"

Half of the kids raised their hands.

"Great! That's perfect!"

"Zane could you pass these out"

Zane nodded and stood up as he pass out the papers once finish Ms. Allen gave him 3 pieces of candy" Thank you Zane.

Zane smile and sat down next to Jay "Can I have one pwlease" Jay ask Zane He nodded and have him his Skittles.

"What are these" Grace ask

"Great question these are scripts you will need to try out for the leading parts which are highlighted" Ms. Allen explain.

"Now here are the characters"

•Hero Boy
• Santa Claus
• Know- it all
•Hero girl
•Elf #1,23
• Waiter #1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

All the kids whisper in excitement. "Now there is a part for everyone, now we have about a month and a half to get this together I need all of you to be on your best behavior and be good because this is one of the biggest Christmas plays ever". Ms. Allen said sternly but gentle.

"We will watch the polar Express movie on Friday for the students who didn't watch it, we will have hot Cocoa,popcorn and candy and you get to dress in your pajamas" All the kids begin to talk loudly.

Ms. Allen look around the kindergarten class and smile "So I will give your parents a call about this and I will explain more later but now it's lunch time"

*At lunch*
"ahhh I am Soo excited" Jay squealed as he ate his sandwich. "Yeah me too I wanna be the conductor" Cole smile. "Ohh Cole you would be a good con-condutor" Jay pronounced the word wrong.

"I wanna be the Hero boy" Jay stood on top of the table and did a silly pose. They laugh "What about you Zane??" Jay ask as he sat back down he shrugged "Hmm..... OHH I got it you could be Billy since he's qwuiet and your qwuiet" Zane eyes lid up.

He nodded "hey guys" Lloyd sat down next to Cole across from Jay. "Hi"

"Who wants my pudding cup" Lloyd ask "Me Me Me here I give you my jwello for pudding" Deal they traded.

*After lunch*
"Ok class I need to know who wants to try out for hero boy...... So stand by the door if you want to try out for that" Half the boys ran and stand next to the door including Jay.

"Ok stand up and go over to where the toy box is if you want to be hero girl" A few girls stood up and went over to the toy box.

"Stand next to the bored if you want to try out for Billy" Zane and a few other kids stood up.
Ms. Allen look around.

"Oh I forgot to mention if you trying out for Hero boy you are going to be sharing parts with one other kid from the Kindergarten class because he has alot of speaking lines".

Ms. Allen grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote down the kids names and what part they are trying out for.

Hero boy:
And Jay

Hero girl:
And Jasmine

"You must practice the  character you want to be your parents will help you" . Than the bell rang signaling it's the end of the day.

"Ok room 1b clean up time" the kids got up and put everything where it supposed to be.

"Everyone line up behind Christopher"(aka he is the line leader for the week)

"Christopher lead us outside"

*Later at the Walker's House*

Jay and his family was sitting around the table eating spaghetti "how was you day today??honey" Mr. Gordan ask his 8 year old daughter J'nylah "It was good I made some new friends" She quietly explain. He nodded "how about you son??" Jay eyes lid up.


He started jumping in his seat. "Woah woah woah baby slow down" Ms. Gordan laugh "here let me show you" than Jay zoomed out of the dinning room to get his backpack. Jade chuckled a bit as she took a sip of water.

Jay came running back with papers and hands them to his mom. Than he sat back down and continue eating while swinging his feet. "Wow babe look They are doing a Christmas play  about the polar Express" Mr. Gordan smile.

"And you want to be Mr.Hero??" Jay's mom ask raising an eyebrow. He nodded "yep". "Well than.... I guess we have some practicing to do" Mrs. Gordan said tickling Jay he squealed and burst out laughing. Than pretty much all of them started tickling each other forgetting about their food. "Wait let's take a picture" Mrs. Gordan said

She grabbed her camera "On count of 3 say Walker"


Ok so I decided to change up some things so instead of jay having a little sister he had two older sisters who Both are 8 and yes they are twins. So Jade is 8 years old.

She likes to have fun and are loud and athletic but also really smart. J'nylah is a little opposite she is slightly quiet and likes to stay by herself she is shy and quiet in public but behind closed doors she is as.hyper as Jay. The twins both look like their dad with brown hair and hazel eyes while Jay take over his mom features.

Yeah that's about it love ya

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