Birthday Bash!!!

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LLOYD!...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.. AND MANY MOREEEEEE" Everyone sang as they crowed around the table Lloyd sat there with his white T-shirt and blue jeans. The sound of laughter,screams and crying filled the air as they was waiting for him to blow the candles.

"Blow the candles" Jay jumped excitedly as he couldn't wait to eat the cake. Lloyd closed his eyes and blew the candles (With the help of his mom).

Everyone clapped than Lloyd mom passed out the super hero theme cake. After everyone ate the cake, everyone went to play.

"Mommy! Mommy! Can me and Lloyd go on the bumper cars?!" Kai yelled.

"Okay! Stop yelling! I'm right here." Kai looks at Lloyd and grin. Lloyd blush and smile.

"Okay, let's go!"

"Mommy..." Cole moaned as he wipe his mouth with his hand. "I don't feel good..."

"Oh Cole..."

Cole's mom took his sticky hand and held him to the bathroom.

Only Jay and Zane remained.

The two looks at each other, smiling a bit.

"Mom..." Zane ask. "Can me and Jay go on the ferris wheel?"

Zane's mom bit her lip. "I don't know...they only allow two people in a cart..."

"I'm sure it's fine, Becky. Besides, we'll need more trust in them." Mrs. Walker said.

Becky sigh...she looks at Zane and bend down towards him. "Promise you won't get out of your seat, Zane."

Zane nodded quickly. "Yeah! I promise mommy!"



Zane and Jay sat on the bench in the cart and watch as they went up in the air.

Jay scream in excitement while Zane stayed close to the seat. His heart was beating fast and sweat drip down his chin. He close his blue eyes and whimper.

Jay stop screaming and look over at Zane. "Zawne? You okay?"

"No..." Zane replied.

Jay frown and then smile instantly. He put his hand on Zane's cheek and smash his lips onto Zane's.

A yelp came from the blonde as he was surprise at the action.

Slowly, just slowly, Zane kissed back more, tears rolling down his face. He put more pressure into the kiss and held Jays waist.

Zane saw his parents do this, so why couldn't he?

After a minute, Jay pulled away, a string of saliva on his bottom lip.

They both panted for air and Jay smile. "Don't be afraid..."

Zane look into Jay's blue eyes with wide eyes.

"I'll always be here for you..."


Jay nodded.

"I promise..."

*Bumper cars*

The two friends waited excitedly in line "Oohh like at that" Lloyd pointed to car that past by there was a long line. Suddenly there was a big boom shaking the ground. Lloyd gasp as he held on to Kai hands tightly.

"Woah" Mya and Koko look over to see what the boom was.

"Mommy what was that"Kai ask Suddenly snakes popped out if no where. People screamed and started to run and Big purple snakes attacked.

Lloyd and Kai both screamed as Koko and Mya picked them up. They both look at each other


Sorry it took me awhile to update I had writer's block so here ya go I have big plans for this.

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