Red slides and a lucky fall

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"And then Nya wouldn't sing cause she....cause she uh....she uh."

Jay stuttered to his family as he blew his hot chocolate.

Recently, Jay and his family are sitting in a cafe, eating dinner.

They praised Jay with his awesome singing.

"Slow down Jay, and drink your hot chocolate." Giggled J'nayla.

"Yeah. Your going to spill it." Jade added.


As they were drinking, someone entered the cafe.

"You did really good Zane! We're so proud of you."

Jay perked at the name Zane.


He turn around, and saw his friend.

"Zane! Hey! Over here!" Jay shouted in excitement.

Zane perked up at his name, and saw Jay waving to him.

"Go." His dad said with a small smile.

Zane nod, and ran over to his best friend.

"Hey..." He said quietly.

"Helwo Zawne! You sang reawly good." Jay complimented.

Zane blush.


Jay eyes then spotted a play place.

He bounce in excitement, and tug on his mother's arms.

"Mommy! Mommy! Can me and Zane play in the play place? Pllleaaassse?"

"Okay....but go asked Mr. Julien to let Zane play with you."

"Okay mommy."

Jay ran full speed to Zane's dad, and bounce up and down.

"Mr. Zane's dad, can me and Zane play at the play place?!" Jay shouted.

Jay and Zane gave the old man puppy eyes.

Dr. Julien laughed. "Of course. But hurry, it closes in an hour."

"Yay! Thanks Zane's dad!"

Zane smiled at his father, before running off with Jay.

"Their good friends." Mrs. Julien said to her husband.

"I believe they will date."

"Oh stop foreshadowing."

They both share a laugh before sitting down in a booth.


"Zane! Help me!"

"Hold on....nnngh!"

Zane held on Jay's hand tightly.

Half of Jay's body was inside on the red slide.

Of course they were playing pretend.

"The soldiers arwe coming! You have'ta let me go!" Jay faked wailed.

"B-b-but you're my partner! I can't let you die."

Zane faked sniffled as his hand started to get sweaty.

"Let me go!"

Zane looked around with a nervous expression, until he smiled.

"I'll go with you then!"

And then they both went down the slide giggling.

They slipped and turn until they fell out.

It was silence over the duo.

Zane open his eyes, and found he was on top of Jay.

And this was happening.

Zane blushed, and found his lips were on Jay's lips.

Jay face turn red, as he quickly pulled apart.

Zane got off of Jay and scoot back using his elbows.

Jay did the same, and stared at his friend.

Neither said a word as the silence became more awkward for them.

"I don't want to play anymore..." Zane whispered shyly.

"I don't wanna either..."

They got up, and went to their family in silence.

"So did you guys have fun?" Jay's mom asked with a nice smile.


"Aww? What happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it..."

The family stared at Jay with surprise written on their faces.

He saw Zane leave with his parents with tears in his eyes.

Jay sigh, and looked at the table.


~Oh la la la~ Zane and Jay kissed what will happen next

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