Birthday Bash Part 2!!

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Koko and Mya look at each other and nodded. They started to run "M-mommy W-What happen?" Lloyd ask his voice trembling in fear.

"Don't worry son it'll be all right"She soothe calmly

"I am Pythor the leader of the sssserpertine's" A large purple snake had said. People ran around screaming as the snakes knocked things over.

"Where are the ninjas?" A man had scream

Koko and Mya ran inside a building that was surrounded by some crates and set the two shaking kids down. Both of the parents kneel down

"M-mommy?" Kai ask
"Mommy is going to find some help so I want you to be quiet and stay hidden" Mya said making sure her tone was stern yet soft. Kai nodded "Hey you know those ninjas? Well I bet they are going to come and kick their butts" Mya did a kick making Kai giggle.

Mya smiled and kiss his forehead "We'll be back soon okay?" Kai nodded and put a brave face on. Mya stood back up along with Koko "Stay together do not move understand?" Koko ask both kids nodded and scooted close to each other.

"Come on" and with that said both parents ran off. Leaving behind a scared Lloyd and a fearless Kai.

After a few minutes of them sitting in the dark room and Lloyd was shaking like a leaf Kai had enough. He just want to comfort his friend

"Lah-loyd? everything will be owkay" Kai gave Lloyd a small smile. Lloyd scooted closer (if that was possible). Kai wrapped an arm around him and Lloyd placed his head on his chest.

Kai was playing with his hair as Lloyd slowly calm down. "How are you so bwrave?" Lloyd ask breaking the silence.

All you could hear was the fighting going on outside. "I have to pwrotect nwya" Kai respond with a shrug. Lloyd nodded a small smile on his face "You two are clwose... I wish I had sowmebowdy" Lloyd look down.

Feeling bad Kai lifted Lloyd head "You have me" Was Kai response and that was when Lloyd quickly place a kiss on his cheek. Making Kai bright red.

"W-what was that" Kai voice went an octive higher. Lloyd shrugged "Jay do it to Zwane" Lloyd look down bashfully.

Kai calm down "But don't they you know do it on the..... Lips?"Kai wondered "uh... y-yeah I guess......." Lloyd trailed off

"Should we.... K-kiss?" Kai ask Lloyd bit his lips shyly "I mean if you want to" he mumbled. Kai nodded so with that said Lloyd sat up and turn towards Kai who was sweating slightly.

"Uhhh how.... Do we..." Lloyd gestured his hands between the two of them. "Hmmm" Kai pounder for a moment before his eyes lit up. "Oh oh I know I see mommy and daddy do this before" Kai got on his knees and cupped Lloyd face with his small hands.

Kai move some of Lloyd's hair out the way. "Hmm is this the part where they kwiss?" Lloyd ask Kai nodded. "Yeah but we have to close our eyes" "Why? Lloyd ask.

Kai shrugged "I dwont know mommy and daddy always close their eyes" taking a deep breath both close their eyes and lean in. Their lips was just centimeters apart when there was a loud Thump!!!! Startled the two toddlers fell over.

Both toddlers stood up. Lloyd hid behind Kai their was some curses before a giant purple snake appeared from the darkness. It's red eyes landed on the two trembling kids.

"Ahh what do we have here" the snake mock Kai stood up bravely "Get away from us you you ugly snake" Kai growled as he cross his arms. The snake snarled "Do you know who I am?"

"Who cares you are a big meanie and you scward my friend and mess up his birthday party" Kai was angry that they ruined the party. "Hmm massssterr will probably love to eat you" Lloyd gasp. "I-I don't want t-to be eaten" He whimpered.

The snake slithered closer as the two kids backed up against the crate. "Sssssince itsss two of you massssterr only told me to bring back  one kid but sssssince itsss two of you why don't I eat one of you" His stomach growled making him frown.

"No you will not touch us" Kai shouted as he balled his fist up "Or elssse what you going to bweat me up oh boo hoo hoo" The snake teased." No I will fight you" Kai raised his fist in the air.

"Kai what are you doing you can't fight him he's a s-snake a big purple snake" Lloyd wailed.

"Daddy taught me some moves" Kai smirk "Come at me you big meanie snake" The snake growled as he tried to grab Kai who duck out the way. Instead the snake grabbed Lloyd.

"KAI HELP PWLEASE" Tears and snot ran down his face as the snake grip tighter. Kai gasp

"Get away from my fwriend" Kai than ran at full speed and knocked into the snake. The snake who was distracted lost his balance and fell over.

Losing his grip on Lloyd who fell and the two kids begin to run away. "Kai that was awesome" Lloyd shouted Kai smiled.

Just as they reached the exit it was blocked off again but this time the snake was Pythor. "Hmmm you two look familiar" Pythor thought as he expected the two kids.

Who hugged each other tightly "let'sssss bring them to the ssssecret lair"

Pythor grinned evilly his red eyes glowing bright as he pointed the staff at the two kids. Just as they was about to get hypatize a figure drop down in front of them.

"You will not lay a hand of them" the figure was wearing a black and gold gi with a staff.

"You will not lay a hand of them" the figure was wearing a black and gold gi with a staff

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(That picture up there ^°^)

"Hmmm we meet once again" Pythor sneered.

"I thought you understand but I guess the saying is true the snake will always bite back" than the fighting happen. Soon after Wu defeat Pythor and capture the other snakes tying them up.

Lloyd and Kai stood their eyes wide "Woah" Lloyd whispered Wu turn around and look at the two kids.

This must be Kai and Lloyd Wu thought. "Wow you were so awsome" Kai exclaimed "Yeah you was like this than that than you did that circle thingy" Both boys try to do some of the moves but failed.

Wu chuckle and ruffled their heads. "You'll do it one day,"

Lloyd looks at Wu in admiration. He seem so familiar. Like he seen him before.

"Lloyd? Kai?" Came two feminine voices.

Both kids turn their heads to see their mom their hair was wild they was sweating and look exhausted but overall they was happy.

"MOMMY!"Lloyd and Kai ran to their mom they met halfway and both parents hugging their child tight.

Kai giggle when his mom started kissing his head. "Today, I kicked a snake! They were attacking us!"

"Really?!" Mya said, totally not believing Kai. "Huh uh! And me and Lloyd almost  kissed!"



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