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Jay pov

I was having a nice dream about cookie monster eating all the cookies from big bird. So me and Elmo made some more than just as Elmo was test taste it I was awoken by crying.

I turn over and groan quietly,than slowly open my eyes. I sat up more when someone was whimpering I look around my eyes was slightly blurry and saw Cole and Lloyd asleep.

'Wait where's Zane'

I look around my half lit room which there was a nightlight on than my eyes landed on a small figure who was hunched up in a corner crying.

I quickly got up and stumbled my way over.

"Zwane?.....Are you ok?"

He look up his icy blue eyes was now watery and red and he was clutching his teddy bear.

I sat beside him "What's wrong?" I was really concern for my best friend. He sniffled and rub his nose on his sleeve.

"I-I  h-had a bad d-dream a-and i-i miss m-my d-daddy!?!! " Zane sobbed.

I  felt bad and sad so I hug Zane and rub his back "Aww Zwane I'm sorry.....". After a few min I gasp excitley.

"Hey wanna kwno what my mom do when I have a bad d-dream" Zane shook his head No.

"Come on"

I  told Zane to be quiet since it was around 2am we  both snuck downstairs and tiptoed past my  parents room. I  led Zane to the dark kitchen "Ok stay wright here" I  instructed.

Zane was afraid of the dark but stay put.

I went over to the big stools and climb on them once I was up I climb on top of the counter. I heard Zane sniffled again and went faster.

I made it to where we store our food and open it, I saw the jar of cookies and smirk. Than I carefully begin to climb I pretended that I was the prince who was saving the princess.

Once I reached the third shelf I smile bigger. 'yes' than I open it and got two cookies. I stuff them in my shirt and climb back down.

Once I was down I went to another cabinet and grab one water bottle. Zane ran to me and hug me I hug back. "Come on we have to be like ninjas" Zane giggled and together we made it in my room.

I sat on my bed along with him and gave him the cookies "here my mom always give me some when I can't sleep or I had a bad dwream" I gave him both of the cookies.

But he stop me and just took one " You have this one" I smile and ate it. Than we started talking and he was telling me about his dream while I was telling him about mine. Once we both drunk some water I got really sleepy.

It was around 3:30am I yawned "You sleepy?" He murmured I nodded and laid down. "Cuddle??" "Yeah sure" I didn't know what that was but if it made Zane happy than that is what we are going to do.

He smile happily and laid down he put his arms around my waist so I had no choice but to out my arms around him. Than he pulled us closer and I felt myself smiling. "I like this" I whisper

"Thank you"
"Don't tell Mom about the cookies" I can ask Zane giggled "Ok". I laugh too and than together we fell asleep in each other arms until the sun rose up.

Yay another chapter done. ok so I just want to do a moment of Zane and Jay and yeah here it is. I hope yall like it even though it's trashy

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