Chapter 18

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Natasha POV

I wasnt mad at Shawn I couldnt be sure it was my fault the boys found out I was back.

*2 weeks later*

I was in need of a frapachino I got my monthlys and was craving one so bad. I put on a pair of grey sweats a black tank top and threw my hair into A messy bun."wow dont I look attractive" I said to myself and went and ordered my Drink."Order for Natasha" the barisa said and I went up to get my drink only to be attacked by the one and only Taylor Caniff. "NATASHA" he screamed hugging me."what are you doing here?"I asked "Shawn wanted to get coffee so we came with"he said and looked over at the table all the boys were sitting at I looked over and didnt see Jack "come over and say hello" he said grabbing my arm "I dont think that would be a good idea" "come on we havent seen you in months"

"Where have you been hiding young lady?" Nash said as I walked over."shut up your like 2 months older then me"

"Yay shes back we missed you" Cam said hugging me.We started talking about different things then someone walked in the person ive been avoiding most.Do I stay and make awkward conversation or do I leave? Too late they were already walking towards the booth.

Jack POV

Jack and I met everyone else at starbucks after we were finished in the studio and thats when I seen her."we dont have to go over"Johnson said but I ignored him ive been waiting to see her for so long. "Hey Jack" she said and we both said hello.She was even more beautiful then I remembered I couldnt help but smile like a goofball.

"You should have a welcome back party"Carter said to Nat. "Yea sounds good how about saturday?" She said. "Sounds good to me" we all said.

"Well I better go see yous on Saturday" She said and got up to leave."do you need a lift? Im going home anyway"I said.She kind of just looked at me then agreed.We walked back to my car My phone went off

From Jj: goodluck ;)

To Jj: Didnt do it for that reason!

From Jj: Sure.......

The journey was quiet and kind of awkward. "So how have you been"Tasha asked breaking the silence.


"Really whats been happening?"

Should I tell her about Grace and the baby? I suppose it was going to come out sooner or later.

"Well I got told id be a shit father" she had a puzzled look on her face,here it goes...

"When we went on tour I slept with a girl ive been friends with for awhile and well when we got home from tor she kept calling and texting I thought she was looking for something more and I wasnt able for that because I dont like her I like love....Anyway she told me she was glad she got rid of the baby and said id make a shit dad"

"Wow Crazy alright"

"Yea I know"

"Well I told my mother about Niall and she said I deserved it and everything I get"

"Thats horrible"

"Yea and then my boyfriend left to go to England and my mam kicked me out"

Wait so does that mean she is ssingle now? Do I still have a chance with her?

"Ehh tash?" I said lowly

"Well this is me thanks for the lift" she said and got out.

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