Chapter 22

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We all arrived at digifest I shared a room with Nash as usual. "Johnson wants to see me looks like im in trouble haha see you later" Nash said and left. There was a knock on the door it was Gilinsky and Mahogany."I just remembered I told Shawn I would rehearse with him"Jack said and left. "And then there were two" Mahogany joked.

"yea so you excited for the show?"

"Yea I suppose"

"Look I know its been like a year but I havent stopped thinking about you"

"Yea we were the best"

"So does this mean?"

"If you want it to be yea"

I went over and kissed her "ohhh how ive missed you" she said "we should find the rest of the guys tho" I said walking over to the door.It was locked Nash had the key."well looks like we are locked in if only there was something for us to do?" I smiled and picked her up and put her on the bed this was so right.

Natasha POV

I was walking to my hotel room when I bumped into someone I looked at him

"seriously you?"

"You say that like its a bad thing"

"Well its just you have a habbit of bumping into me"

"No you always bump into me"

" Obviously not"


"Omg why are you so Irritating?"

"Hahah funny"

"Goodbye Jack"

"Why are you going somewhere?"

"Yea clearly! now get out of my way" he had his hand against the wall and was standing over me.

"Not until you say it"

"Say what?"

"No I said say it"

"Fine it"

"See that wasnt so hard"

"OMG Jack I hate you"

"I hate you too" he said and kissed my cheek and I left.

Jack POV

"Operation get my girl back is on"I told Jack when I got back to our hotel room. "Well get some sleep will you? Big day tomorrow" Jack said and we went to bed I checked my twitter before I fell asleep

-@NatashaJones: Im dying to have my lips on yours ♥-

From Natasha: I miss you.

To Natasha: I miss you too.

From Natasha: Then come to me,I want one more night just to sleep next to you one more time,to feel your heartbeat,I want my head on your chest and to feel safe in your arms,I want to feel your body against mine and pretend for one night that we didnt fuck up and your still mine x

Was I reading this right or is this some sort if joke.I got up and opened the door "where you going?" Johnson asked "have to do something see you in the morning" I said and walked to Tashas room and knocked on the door."didnt think you would actually come" she said opening the door."And miss this?" I said and we got into the bed.

"So what changed?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You couldnt stand me like 5 minutes ago"

"Shut up and go to sleep"

Mahogany POV

"Morning beautiful"

"Hello sexy"

"Why did we ever break up?"

"Jacob remember?"

"Ohh yea well is he still in the picture?"

"We are just friends you can trust me Cam I love you not him"


"I promise" I said and gave him a kiss and got up to leave but forgot I had no clothes on. I heard the door open and I quickly put on one of Cams tops "looks good on you babe" he said and Nash opened the door.

"Cam we are on stage in half an hour come on get your but ready" He said

"Will you come?" Cam asked me.

"I was actually going to text the girls and see if they want to go for breakfast and spend the day together I havent really bothered to try and talk to them"

"Ok but come back later because there is a party at 7"

"Dont worry ill be back"

I walked to my hotel room and seen Jack in the corrider

"what you doing here?"

"Was checking to see if Taylor and Aaron were ready"

"They are on the next floor"

"Ohhh yea well cya"

Weird......I opened the hotel room only to see Nat on the bed

"wheres Leah?"

"Prob with Jc or something"

"Well I was thinking do you want to have a girly day?"

"Sounds good cant remember the last time I had one"

"Well hurry and get ready"

"Ill be like 20 mins max....wait isnt that Cams shirt?"

"Yea haha"

"So what are you guys dating now or something?"


Natasha POV

I quickly had a shower then put on a black jumpsuit with a white belt around the middle I walked out and Mahogany was on her bed pulling up one of her socks she was wearing cams shirt knee high socks and boots.

"You look lovely nat"

"Thanks so do you is Leah coming?"

"Yea she should be here now"

"Did somebody call me?"Leah said knocking at the door.She came in wearing Jeans and a white crop top and multi coloured kamono.

"Right so Starbucks then shopping for tonight" Mahogany said as we walked out of the hotel I say walked I meand snuck out since it was full of crazy fans already. "Wait whats tonight?" I asked."Theres a party" the girls said in sync and we all laughed.

We got to starbucks "next stop shopping"Leah said.We went into like every shop Leah got a lovely black tight dress that had slight sparkles in it Mahogany got a red skater skirt and black bralet. We were in Forever 21 and I picked up a teal dress it had a knot in the middle and the hips were cut out "that will be $30 wait ill give you a discount make it $20 but dont tell my boss"The guy behind the counter said.

"He totally likes you" Mahogany said
"ohh shut up" I said

They ran back to him and said something to him.

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