Chapter 26

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Natasha POV

I was getting discharged from the hospital today and got to see my little girl.All the boys and Mahogany came to visit me and kept me company.

"You ready?"

"Lets go see our little babygirl"I said holding his hand.

We walked into a room and there she was so fragile so little there were tubes coming everywhere it was so sad to look at I looked at Jack and seen tears in his eyes.I couldnt do this to him I couldnt tell him There was a chance he isnt the dad it would kill him.

"Its ok I know"


"I know about You and Taylor and the Dna test"what how did he know did Taylor tell him I will kill him.

"Jack im so sorry"

Just at that moment Taylor walked in."I'm sorry I had to"

"Well we better talk to the doctors"Jack said

"Doctor I was talking to you before about the DNA test"

"Ohh yes I remember well now that she is born we need to get a sample off her and the two potential dads" he said holding up theee cotton swabs,Jack and Taylor swabbed their mouths and put them in test tubes and the doctor got a swab off the baby and done the same. We stayed in the hospital for the day then Jack brought me home.

"Babe I was thinking we should move in together now since the baby is here"

"Yea and we need to sort that out"

"Sort what out?"

"We need a name cant keep calling her the baby"

"Yea well we can sort things out in the morning"

"Stay with me tonight"

"I was planning to anyway"

Jack POV

I went downstairs and made breakfast for Tasha and I.

"Hmmm what smells good" she said snaking her arms around my waist.

"Breakfast I was thinking we could go house hunting then get some essentials for her room"

"Yea sounds like a plan ....Jack"


"Nevermind it was just a crazy idea"

"Just tell me"

"Well I was thinking of baby names and well Kylie came to me"

"Its perfect"

"Do you not think its weird naming her after my dead Bestfriend?"

"No I think its a great Idea its not weird and I know she would be delighted"

We got dressed and went house hunting we found a perfect House in a good neighbourhood it had 5 bedrooms 2 big lounges and a huge back garden and kitchen.

"Omg its perfect Jack"

"Well then its ours"

We paid and got the keys off the estate agent.

"Ok all we need to do now is get furniture and all moved in"

We got to Ikea and got everything we needed a big pink cot,high chair,pram,carseat, paint.

We got back to our new house and set up her room we painted it baby pink and Tasha decorated it with different coloured butterflies she painted on the walls while I struggled to set up the pram but I eventually got it.

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