Chapter 27

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Jack POV

I could see Tashas hands shaking.She must have been as nervous as I was.

"Well what do they say?"


"Come on Tasha"

"You better not fuck up her life and not be there for her" she said giving me the letter and walking out crying.

I looked down at the letter and there it was in Black and White I have a daughter Im a dad.I ran out of the hospital to find Tasha but she was nowhere to be seen I tried ringing her but she wouldn't answer.

To Tasha: please talk to me

From Tasha: No leave me alone.

Wow ive really fucked up this time I went over to see Jack. "well what happened?" "shes gone and im the dad" "What do you mean she is gone? and congrats bro" "you know we had a fight last night? well I guess she is done with me she just handed me the letter and told me not to fuck up our little girls life and to always be there for her" "Jack listen to yourself 'our little girl' you and Nat need to be together you have a baby together a little fragile baby that is lying in a hospital cot while her two parents the only people she is depending on! are fighting Jack you need to show Nat that you will be there for her and not fuck things up again you need to show her she means everything to you and that you cant loose her again look how many chances she has given you just do everyone a favour and dont fuck up again!" He was right I needed to get my shit together I left his house and drove straight home.

Natasha POV

I was at mine and Kylies spot I was talking to her,God I missed her so much.I decided to go home hopefully Jack has the cop on not to come home tonight.I opened the door and the smell of cooking hit me I walked into the kitchen and Jack was pouring two glasses of wine and there was dinner on the table "haha whos this for? your new girlfriend?" "no this is for the most amazing girl in the world and im only realising now that she is the one for me and im hoping she will give me one last chance because I need her in my life she is my first and only love she is also the mother of my beautiful baby girl please Tasha please give me one last chance" He was nearly on his knees begging It kills me when I fight with him even though fighting with him is kind of how we got together but he was the one for me fuck Taylor and everyone else that tried to fuck us up we are meant for eachother."of corse I will forgive you but seriously Jack no more chances" "No more chances come her babygirl lets eat"he Said grabbing me into a hug and kissing my forehead.

*few weeks later*

I woke up in Jacks arms I looked up at him he was smiling in his sleep.Aww cute I Took a picture and ut it on insta -wonder what hes thinking about?- I tried not to wake him and I went to talk to the nurse.Jack and I had gone to see Baby Kylie(Yea we taught it was perfect for her) everyday they didnt like us staying but we didnt like leaving her.I found the nurse "Ohhh Natasha I was just about to call you and Jack I have wonderful news" really what is it?". I Ran in and Jumped on Jack and woke him up "baby I was sleeping" "JACK OMG JACK ITS THE DAY?" "Huhh?...........wait no?" "YES!" we both started screaming and jumping up an down today was the day we could finally take our littlE girl home.

All the boys and Mahogany came over to welcome Kylie home Everyone couldnt wait to hold her.Matt was holding her and she started crying "quick quick what did I do?Im sorry guys I didnt mean to" He said looking back at me and Jack everyone started laughing."shhhh give her to me shes probablly just hungry babe could you get a bottle for her?" Jack said looking at me and talking Kylie off a very red and paicked Matt.

I made a bottle for Kylie and started walking back to everyone when something caught my eye It was Jack sitting in the corner with Kylie nearly asleep in his arms it was the cutest thing I have ever seen I just stood at the door way looking around and thinking about everything when Jj tapped my shoulder"everything ok?" "yea just thinking about how my life has changed in the past year" "I know its crazy" "Tell me about it I fell in love with my worst enemy,lost my bestfriend,cheated on my beautiful boyfriend, had songs wriiten about me,had my mother basically disown me,got kidnapped and raped and now I have the most amazing friends ever and a perfect family and I get to wake up everyday happy because JACK FINNEGAN GILINSKY IS MY MAN" I screamed the last part and Jack looked up "Im going to kill you she was nearly asleep" "sorry got lost in the moment"

"I HATE YOU"he said walking up to me with Kylie still in his arms "I HATE YOU TOO!" I said back and kissed him.

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