Just being stupid;)

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I was flying around the house with a very angry dorito man chasing me. 

"Pinetree!!!! Come here and fix my room!" He ordered, still chasing me. I was fucking terrified because he looked angry. But the fear went away when I saw him smirk and I knew this was just a game to him. But nonetheless he was terrifying with his red hair and eyes. 

I flew a little faster and I thought I had lost him (I had most definitely not) and I hid in a cabinet in the living room. I heard Bill yell my name in another room on the other side of the house so I figured I was safe.

Literally three seconds later I heard him in the same room I was in. "Oh Pinetreeeeeee, I know you're heeeeeere?" he walked around the room for a bit "Come out wherever you are." He stopped at my cabinet. "Hey there Pinetree." Crap he found me. I tried to teleport away but I couldn't, it seemed that Bill could stop me from teleporting. So I made a despirate attempt of running but I failed.

"Oh no Pinetree, you're not going anywhere." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with him. I tried to run for the entire walk but I couldn't. Man he has a strong grip. We walked into his room and I couldn't help but smirk at my masterpiece.

"You think this is funny Pinetree?" "No........ It's hilarious." I burst into a laughing fit and I couldn't stop. "I'm- haha -I'm sorry Bill" "Well you better be because you're going to clean it up. No powers." I had this coming.

After half an hour I wasn't even halfway done. "I'm bored, hurry up Pinetree." He said. "Well, this would go a lot quicker if you would let me use my powers."


After two hours I was finally done. (I could use my powers to get the colours back to normal.) "Fhew, hey Bill I'm do-" I saw he was asleep. I decided to wake him up. So I summoned an airhorn. "One, two, three-" BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP 

"Holy piramids!" Bill flew up and crashed into the ceiling and fell on the floor. 

"I see you're done" he groaned. "Yep"

"So what would you like to do now?" he asked me.

"Let's watch a movie." I suggested. "Oooh yes we need to watch the one with the squidhead you were talking about."

So we did.

We were going to do a movie marathon of five movies. Because we didn't need any sleep we could watch them all in one go. But before we were watching them we needed snacks, a lot of them since the marathon would last more then twelve hours. We got chips, m&m's, all kinds of sweets and my favourites: skittles.

I snapped my fingers and made all five movies appear, I put the first one into the DVD-player and we were ready to go. 

I snuggled up to Bill, putting my head on his shoulders and laying down sideways. He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him, and we started watching.

The movies were about some weird pirates who went up against all kinds of supernatural shit. There was just one weird thing. All of the movies seemed to have some kind of undead people in them. I don't know if the creators were lazy or if they did it on purpose.

Halfway through the first movie Bill started bugging me. "Pinetree, you said there was going to be a squidhead." He said in a whiny voice. "Well, he will appear in the second movie." he just gave a huff.

When we had sitten through twelve hours of fighting pirates Bill sat up. "Wow that one guy was that one girls parent, didn't see that coming." I could not figure out if this was sarcastically or not.

"Well Bill, what did you think of the movies?" I asked him, curious about his opinion.

"The first one was good, the second one was good as well, the third one was a bit long but still fun, I absolutely hated the fourth one although I got some good nightmare ideas from the blood and flesh tornado. (A/N I actually had a nightmare about this part when I was eleven, it was horrifying.) And the last one was okay I guess."

After we talked some more about the movies we went to bed, not because I was tired but because I wanted to. I layed down in my bed after changing into my pajamas and closed my eyes. Not even two minutes later I could feel someone lying down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and he gave me a kiss on my forhead. "Goodnight Pinetree." I heard Bill whisper. And I fell asleep.

After I had slept for I think about five hours I woke up because of a bright light. "Ugh Bill close the curtains please." I muttered. "I didn't open them in the first place" He groaned. I opened my eyes and realised I was being summoned. "Ugh I just wanna sleeeeeep. Bill make it go away." I ordered. "You are getting summoned, the only way to get rid of it is to teleport to your summoner." I groaned again and I grabbed Bill's hand.

After I had teleported I just groaned again as bright sunlight shined into my eyes. "What do you want?!" I snapped at the person in front of me, not really looking.

"Did I wake you up Bro-Bro? You never act this grumpy." I actually looked in front of me to see Mabel. My face immediately lightened up. "Mabel!" I picked her up and gave her a big hug. "Dip you are squishing me." she squirmed. "Oh sorry" I let her go and awkwardly rubbed my head. "It's okay, I'm exited to see you too. And hi Billy."

Bill flinched at the nickname but still waved at her. "Hi shooting star, did you kill anyone with your juice yet?" He grinned. She fake gasped. "How could you think such a thing. My Mabel juice is the defenition of healthy." "Keep telling yourself that shooting star." She just glared at Bill. 

I Looked down at the summoning circle to see a half eaten chocolate bar. "Really Mabel, you couldn't restrain yourself?" I looked at her with one eyebrow raised. "But it's chocolate and it's soooo goooooood." I just shook my head while chuckling and I looked over at Bill.

"Hey Billy?" He glared at me. "Never use that nickname again" "Sure I won't Billy" I grinned at him. He grinned back. "You might want to change"

I looked down at myself to see pyjamas. "Oh" I snapped my fingers and I was in my normal attire. 

Mabel looked at me in awe. "You can change your outfit?! Awesome!!! Can you do me too?" she asked. "Yes of course what would you like?"

"A sweater with tons of glitter!" I heasitantly looked over to Bill. "Go on, it's your sister, give her that sweater." I snapped my fingers and she was wearing a very glittery sweater. Bill spoke up. "How about some more gifts, I'm curious what you would ask." He said to Mabel. "Cool, could I maybe also have some spinkles?" "Sure" "And a tophat for waddles?" I frantically looked over at Bill again and he just laughed. "Come on, give her those things. You've been away for a while and she deserves an apology gift." Well, Bill was useless.

I spent the next half hour giving her random crap.


Yay, long chapter. You can all guess the names of the movies a part of this chapter was based on. (It isn't really hard) Next week is the Dutch version of carnaval and I'm chosen to be in a dance group of a carnaval club. We do performances and we walk in a parade, it's really fun. The club is called the Meulenwiekers in the Village Elden(Netherlands). (Look It up, I'm one of the girls in white/blue suits) Just wanted to tell you guys that. Bye

Keep reading

Stay strong


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