What is even real?

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This was the real Bill.

But something was very, very wrong. 

There was stuff floating above him, the stuff was glitching, just like the door I used to get in here. I could see all kinds of geometrical shapes, in all colours and sizes. I could also see some other stuff floating above him, but I couldn't really see what they were.

Bill was facing the other way, sitting on the ground with his back turned towards me, so I don't think he noticed me coming in. He was sitting on the ground in some kind of fetal position with his arms wrapped around his legs.

It looked like he was mumbling, but I couldn't understand a word he was saying. He was rocking back and forward and it looked like he was going insane. 

I started walking up to him but something made me stop in my tracks. I could see a thing walking towards Bill in the distance, it was too far away so I couldn't see who or what it was. When it got closer I could make out a human shape, but it looked like they had something dangling behind them. 

When it was about 30 feet away from Bill I could finally see who it was. 

It was......me?

The things dangling behind the person were wings, and this thing had my build, hight, face and everything. But it definitly  wasn't me. This person had a malicious look in their eyes, it looked like they were about to hurt someone.

And then it hit me, they were going to hurt Bill.

I started flying towards Bill to save him, but it was too late, the fake me started talking.

"Bill!" He yelled angryly. Bill slowly looked up to him. "Go away, you're not real." He said with a broken voice, he didn't sound very sure of himself.

"Oh I'm not going anywhere." Fake me said. "I need you to know something. You are a idiot. You tried to murder me several times in the past, and now you come crawling back to me, saying you've changed and that you love me. Why in the name of God did you think I would believe you?" 

Bill started shaking his head. "Nonono, I do love you Dipper, I truely do. You are fake, go away."

Fake me continued talking. "I don't believe you, you just came back to trick me, to try to kill me again."

"That's not true!" Bill yelled.

"You are an idiot for thinking I would believe you."

I realised this wasn't just a prison to keep Bill from escaping, this was a torturing chamber to make him go mad. This is what must have been happening to him for the last two weeks. I flew even faster to try to reach him.

"I hate you!"

Bill crumbled to the floor, hand on his head and shaking his head. Something was going very wrong.

More fake me's started to appear around Bill and they continuously chanted together:

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

When I almost reached Bill, when I almost put my hand on his shoulder he yelled: "NO!" And he released a powerful shockwave that made all the fake me's dissapear and made me fly away from him.

I yelled out his name and he turned around, and I found out that I was like a second too late. He had finally snapped. It looked like he did recognise me because he looked at me with such hate and disgust that I couldn't have been a stranger to him. He now had the same kind of glitching as the door and the stuff that was floating above his head.

"You hate me." He mumbled. "You hate me, so I hate YOU!"

He lunged at me unexpectedly, he turned his hands into claws. It was clear he had the intention to kill me. I could just barely jump away from his grasp. "No Bill, the me that said that wasn't real, I do love you, I really d-" 

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