II ~ His Backstory

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Gerard's POV

I never wanted my life to turn out like this. I wanted to have a family, a wife and kids. I wanted to be a successful artist, musician even. But life never goes how you want, does it? I dropped out of college after my second year. My little brother needed me. He had gotten himself in some serious trouble, mixed himself up with the wrong people. 

Mikey needed money, and he needed it bad. If he didn't get it in time, he would be killed. I'd be damned if I didn't do something to help him. So I threw my future away and helped him. Robbed a few gas stations here and there. Stole a few purses, took tips off of tables, anything I could do to get Mikey money. Hell, I even sold myself to men. I'm not gay, and it scarred me for life, but people will pay big bucks for a small guy like me.

Eventually Mikey had enough money to pay back what he owed thanks to me. But now I had debts. Student loans and what not. I didn't have a job, no college degree; I was screwed. When I realized how easy it was to rob these places, I decided that this is how I'd make a living. I eventually got caught up in gangs. Let's just say that I've done some things that I can never undo. 

But now this is my life. Robbing places, slinging guns, and providing for Mikey when he fucks up.

And he fucked up again.

Big time.

Mikey got himself in a position that resulted in him getting kidnapped, and me having to provide money to get him back. 

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