Wake Up a Servant, Go To Bed a Free Woman and Mother

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Zorroku and Peaches

Part 6

"But that doesn't make any sense. Red is the patron color of Zighorh, the god of war. Every kind of people has a god of war and almost all of them have red as their patron color, right? It's the color of honor and glory and victory. It's the color of fire that always means warmth and food. And beyond that it's the color of the sunrise and the sunset. Red is just a color but it's never associated with a curse, to see red is always a blessing." Zorroku gently but firmly contested.

"Zorroushku," you turned to him as your eyes were soft and your tone turned to one you used with Bula's children and grandchildren when you were trying to convince them to take a bath or a nap or go to bed on time. When you couldn't be condescending but you still needed to be gentle but firm and be authoritative to a master.

"Zighorh was not a god humans believed in before the convergence. There were dozens of gods of war depending on which nations and societies people were in- when on Earth. Mars was one of the more popular ones. But when the spheres converged to create the supersphere, we could no longer see the red planet of Mars in the sky. Which made most humans who worshiped him, and the other gods of war- believe that he and the others had forsaken them when the convergence happened. A lot of humans believed that most of their gods had forsaken them when the convergence happened. And for humans- who had been the primary people of Earth when Earth converged with the Supersphere, for them to be thrown together with so many different kinds of people meant that humans had to put aside their previous differences to band together to survive and eek out an existence on a foriegn planet, surrounded with foriegn peoples. And that included any differences in religion." You gently countered.

"And then for those same humans who came out of the convergence, and be completely bewildered and overwhelmed and to feel abandoned and foresaken by their gods, because before the convergence, humans thought they were the only peoples not just on their planet but they thought they were the only life in the universe. And then after the convergence, to see massive attacks and countless slaughtered by large orcish warriors wearing nothing but red warpaint and red clothing, red stopped being associated with their homeworld because after so many generations, most memory of what our homeworld had been lost. And all the survived people could only see the attacks, and to know that Zighorh was an orcish god of war, not a human one. It's not hard to understand why humans would stop associating red with anything positive. And while the black plague got cured and who knows how many lives were saved because of it- countless others have been lost over lands and territories. And then to have the green plague come and kill just as many people as the black plague threatened to, was too much hardship for most to endure. The whole convergence was seen as a curse and not the life saving measure it was meant to be. According to the legends, we were never supposed to have been converged this long. And because humans look just like the gold angels who live in the clouds, most humans are hunted just as much as they are because when they touch down, they look no different from normal humans." You gently reminded him.

"But do you feel that having red hair is a curse?" He asked you worriedly.

"No, I do not. And thankfully Bula has never allowed anyone who has felt that it was a curse- to remain alive in the clan. Because she does not tolerate anyone who would dare pose a threat to me or my family. And she will not see us disrespected or mistreated either. And Bula and her family have always appreciated our red hair because it's much easier for us to stand out among the other humans there, who all have various hair colors but my family is the only one with red hair." You reassured him.

But Zorroku felt he needed to prove to you that such a wonderful thing should never be seen as a curse but a blessing! And he was grateful his grandmother put your mother's village to death. Because if she had not, he would want to raid and destroy such a place himself at sunrise. Because righteous anger was blazing in his veins and in his heart. And he felt he needed to exterminate everyone who thought and felt that way. And from now on he would be watching every human when you were around them because if they even hinted at such a thing, he would make sure they never bothered you, let alone lived long enough to say such lies out loud.

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