No Idea What your dealing with

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After the event where you almost drowned and Embraced Hoolan, Life in the cave was...calmer. At least in some ways. You were not as scared of Hoolan anymore and felt somewhat relaxed around him. Not to get you wrong though. You were Hellbent on getting out of there. Back to civilization where you weren't getting kept against your will by a sea monster. The problem was just, how?

You knew swimming up from the entrance pool was out of the question. Suicide as well. If you were still as deep as the base was, there was no way you would be able to reach the surface without running out of air, or Hoolan finding you out in open water. The pressure at that point too would be a problem. Not deadly, but a problem. You had a feeling though you were even deeper than the base was. You had determined that from the fish that Hoolan brought back to eat. You knew your Marine biology enough to know what certain kinds of fish lived at what depths.

The base was a little under a half mile, 600 meters deep in the Mesopelagic zone or the twilight zone. Now, you thought that you were just under the twilight zone in the Bathypelagic zone, (Midnight zone) at 1,000 meters deep and under. Sunlight at that point is nonexistent, the only light comes from the creatures down here. The types Hoolan brought back were Flashlight fish or Lantern fish which were both bio-luminescent fish. The pressure at that point was immense, the only reason you were ok was that you were just under the opening to the cave, and you think that Hoolans venom helped you with that as well. Even though it had been about two weeks ago since he injected you with it. Maybe you could ask him about that. So again, the entrance pool was definitely not an option.

The only other option that left you was the back of the cave. You could only hope that there was an exit that way, after all, you couldn't see past the wall of darkness. Other than that, even if there was an exit that way you would need some sort of light source. You considered trying to crack off parts of the phosphorus rock, but holding it in your hand wouldn't really do much. You would need a jar of some sort. Perhaps if you played nicely you could convince Hoolan to bring you back some. Of course, you couldn't let him know just what for, so you would need to come up with a convincing excuse.

You were snapped out of thought as Hoolan emerged from the entrance pool with a bunch of little flashlight fish dangling from his mouth. His unblinking eyes immediately set on your form. His eyes didn't frighten you as much as they used to, but they still scared you. It was like looking into the dark for so long that you weren't scared of it anymore, but you were still very much afraid of what was in it.

You heard the wet pitter patter as Hoolan made his way from the pool over to where to were on all fours. you gazed down to the rocky floor as he approached. Trying in your mind to figure out what to say to him in a non-suspicious way. You jumped a little when you felt him nuzzle the back of your neck. His cold acrid breath fanning over the back of your head. A slight rocky purr accompanying it.

He crawled around you so that he was now facing you and dropped the little fish in a pile in front of your crossed legs. The fish wasn't very big, only about the size of your palm, so Hoolan would bring you a collection so you would have enough to eat. At your request, he also started to bring your edible plants, but he had to go up a little ways to get them, so he was now gone for about forty-five minutes instead of thirty.

" I apologize for being gone for so long Polyp." He said, You looked back up at him, your E/C orbs staring into his black pools. Now that you thought about it, he WAS gone for a little longer than usual.

" I didn't even notice," you replied looking back down at the fish.

" I wanted to get you these." He said holding out his arm to you. You looked back up at him. In his hands were red, undersea flowers. They were little and were bent down with gravity as they no longer had water to support their stalks. It reminded you of when Hubert got you undersea flowers as a present as well. That was probably where he learned it from. You cracked a tiny hint of a smile and took the flowers from him. Touching their wet petals and admiring them.

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