In the Darkness of the Storm

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You opened your eyes on the fifth day of Hoolan's absence. The fifth day since the battle that caused him such serious injuries. The fifth day since you have had no company but the waves on the beach. You opened your eyes slowly, looking up into the bright blue cloudless sky.

You did not move for a bit. laying there staring blankly into the sky and doing nothing but breathing, not even thinking just breathing.

You watched the seagulls flying up high overhead, like fish swimming in the ocean. In a way, the sky was an Abyss too, just a lighter one. Starting light and getting darker as it got deeper like the ocean, expect, only this was an endless Abyss. The ocean's Abyss had an end and one point or another.

The sky Abyss just kept going and going and going. Getting colder and darker like the ocean, but never having a bottom. What creatures layed in that Abyss when creatures like what you have seen were in the Abyss on your very own planet?

After a minute of despair, you finally sat up and looked across the waves. Spending another few minutes staring out to the ocean. Watching the waves lap over each other, being glad you were not on the far beach where the battle had taken place. The Bloody water was probably gone but the sand was probably still red.

You blinked a slow blink that matched the pace of everything else in your body and slowly started to stand up. Feeling your muscles stretch and joints pop as you did so.

Even without Hoolan, you were able to find plenty of food to feed yourself as there were exotic fruit trees everywhere. Water was a little harder as sometimes your fire would go out and you could not get it back for a little bit, thus you could not boil it. In those cases, Coconut water sufficed for a small period until you got your fire going again.

Physically you were doing ok as well, your leg, for the most part, stopped being a pain and was mostly working now. Your mental state, on the other hand, was not so well. Hoolan gave so sign in these five days that he was still there, or even still alive for that matter. It was driving you crazy being isolated on this island. You were going to give it one more day before you started making some signal fires.

You had thought about doing this since the first day, but something about waiting for Hoolan stopped you. In fact, since the moment he captured you you had wanted nothing more than to escape his grasp. there was something in the air though, something that made you hold on for just a little bit longer.

After you had seen that he had healed your cut your feelings changed a little bit. There were still things you would never forgive him for, but something about him healing your minuscule little cut when he himself was practically in a fatal state. Something about when he was dying yet he still put you first even if it was not threatening in the slightest.

Something in that act made you hold out for him. You decided that by tomorrow if he hadn't given you a sign then you would light signal fires.

You made your way over to the fire that was little more than embers now, but with a little work, you were able to get it going again. You walked over to the start of the treeline to grab more kindling and firewood. Then, making a small tent out of the kindling and putting some dry grass in the embers, you got on your hands and knees and blew into the fire.

The heat on your face was a little intense but it was not unbearable. You took another deep breath and huffed into the coals, watching as they pulsed bright orange and red with new life.

Orange tongues of flame slowly engulfed the dry grass and kindling, creating a small little fire. Once it was going at a reasonable pace you picked up small sticks to let it grow, being careful to not set the sticks directly on the flame so you did not smother it.

Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere creature x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz