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(A/N Some people were confused so I wanted to help erase that. Liam is fine, Frisk is developing a new type of illness that will be described but not understood by the characters just yet. I feel bad for putting all the bad stuff on Frisk, buuuuut, it is Flowertale after all. Hope I helped sorry this took so long. Enjoy!)


Liam's POV~

"Mom!" I rush over to my mother and try to shake her awake... nothing. I start to cry. I look at my other mom and give a worried look. "What's happening?!" She picks her up and tells Uncle Sans to hold on to all of us and teleport to the hospital. Once we get there, my mom is yelling at the doctors to take her to a room and take tests immediately. I try not to cry but I just can't help it. What is happening? Why won't anyone tell me? 

San's POV~

This can't happen again. This isn't going to be the end. It's only been 5 years! I rush into the room Frisk is taken into. "Chara! Do the doctors notice anything on her-" Chara looks towards me. "She is NOT growing the flowers again! That can't possibly be what is happening." One of the doctors walks out looking at her notes. "Um... Who is the wife and brother of Frisk?" Chara and I walk up to the doctor and introduce ourselves. "There's something you should see..." We all walk into the room. "She's growing these flowers and we can't get them off. We have no idea what's causing this, but it looks like a tumor." Chara puts her hands over her mouth and falls on her knees crying. she starts to mumble: "no no no no no..." Liam walks in and sees the flowers. "why did you put flowers on mama?" Chara snaps her head to Liam and her eyes widen. "Liam I need you to leave" "But mom-" "Liam...go sit with grandma tori...please." He tears up and leaves the room. "He has a right to know Chara." "I want Frisk to be able to tell him." ... This isn't fair to anyone. 

42 hours later~

42 hours... "You are allowed to leave." They only allow us to go once we explained the whole situation, and how there's no living cure, and no one else has it. Trust me. I checked. "Chara?" Frisk says. "What is it, Frisk?" She looks at me and gives a weak smile. "We need to tell Liam about this." Chara nods and I teleport us to their house.

Chara's POV~

"Liam come here buddy!" I hear Liam walk down the stairs with a big smile on his face. " Mama?" Frisk looks at Liam. "Yes sweetie?" He looks down and then up again. "Why are there flowers on you?" Frisk smiles and tells him to sit with the three of us. "We are going to tell you..." Frisk stops for a second and clears her thoat. I worry that she's going to faint again. "5 years ago... When I was 18 years old. I fell down into Mt. Ebott." Liam shifts into a more comfortable position. "I had a certain power. The ability to go back in time, but I would only use it whenever something bad happened." Liam cuts in "Like if you died?" Frisk laughs. "Yes, I died a lot of times. So every time I reset a golden flower grew on my face, my arms, my legs, my ears. And even one, just one, on the inside of my mouth." We all laughed at this. Liam hugged Frisk. "Then why are they growing back now?" Frisk smooths out his hair. "I don't know honey...I don't know..."

(A/N sorry once again that this took so long.)

(634 words)

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