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(A/N Howdy readers and writers! This is a chapter leading up to how Ink Sans and Frisk met for the second time, don't worry it has a LOT to do with the story. But this chapter is all in the third person and may be sensitive to some readers, I hope you enjoy!)


10 years ago~

Frisk had just turned 13 but was stuck in her adoptive parents' basement. She had no cake, no presents, and no friends. Just a wealthy man examining her eyes, he wanted to buy her tears. Frisk's tears could provide energy for long periods of time, and the fact that she had a determination soul only made the price go up. Sometimes poor men or desperate rich men would buy Frisk for a few hours just for her body. For a 13-year-old she was a tiny bit above average. Whenever Frisk was in the basement her adoptive parents would just barley feed her and then proceed to abuse her verbally and physically, sometimes even while she slept.

The man was buff, he had brown eyes and a light goatee. He gently put his hand on Frisk's face and asked her to sit still. "I'll rent her for two days." Her parents smiled. "That'll be $150,000 unless you bring her back here fed then that's only $120,000. Do we have a deal?" Frisk's parents held out a piece of paper. They had a whole library dedicated to these contracts. The man turned to the parents. "Deal." He signed the contract and grabbed Frisk's hand and walked her out of the mansion. Frisk didn't struggle, she didn't scream, and she didn't cry.

Frisk had learned that doing those things only made things worse for herself. So she let herself be put into a car and drive off to another mansion. "We're here." The wealthy man said to Frisk. So Frisk got out of the car and waited for the man to lead her into the house. "Follow me." So she did. Frisk was so tired and hungry all the time that she didn't have to tell herself to move, she had gone through this so many times that Frisk's body did the work for her. Once they got inside the maids and butlers looked at her and smiled, Frisk didn't really care. "Sit here." They were at a table, a pretty small one. "I'll be back in a second." So she sat down and waited for 10 minutes. It's not like she had anywhere else to wait. The man came back and placed down a plate with a burger on it. Frisk looked at the man and said: "I...can eat this?" "So you do talk." Frisk nods. "And yes, you can eat it. I'll get you some water." Frisk stared at the burger. And as the man came back he sighed. "You don't have to stare at it."

He placed the water down and stood there waiting for her to eat it. Frisk looked at the man. "I-I'm not hungry..." It physically hurt Frisk to say these words. "Don't lie to me, I know those people don't feed you like they're supposed to." "I-I just...I don't think I deserve it." "Why?" "Since all the bad stuff is happening to me then that must mean I did something wrong." She looked back at the burger. The man sighed again and took the burger to one of the kid servants. "At least drink the water. And when you're done, one of the maids will take you to bathe yourself and give you some clothes. After that, she'll take you down to the lab where a scientist will collect your tears." Frisk nods and drinks the water. "By the way Frisk, You may call me John." The man then walked upstairs to his room. "Um, miss? If you're finished I'll take you upstairs to the bath." Frisk nods and follows the maid.

After Frisk gets in a very large white T-shirt the maid took her to the lab where she was greeted with an old guy. "I'll leave you to it, miss." The maid left and Frisk stood there waiting for the scientist to be finished with his other studies. "Come here little one." Frisk walked over to the man and he gestured for her to sit down on the chair. "I'm Doctor Marsh, I'm here to collect your tears for the next two days." Frisk just nods and stays silent. After Dr. Marsh got the tears he put his hand on Frisk's face. "You're very pretty you know." Frisk didn't move. He then slapped her hard. "You should be grateful for that compliment. At least smile!" Frisk still didn't move.


"How's the collection going doctor? I've been gone awhile-" John looked up to see the doctor hitting Frisk and one of his hands under her shirt groping her. "Hey! Get off!" John charged to the doctor and told him to get out or else he would have him killed. After John made sure that Dr. Marsh was gone he asked Frisk: "Why didn't you yell or fight back?" Frisk straightened the shirt and looked at John. "This happens a lot, so I learned to just be quiet and hope it ends soon..."

John looked angry. "He collected the tears so you don't have to be mad." "That's not what I'm mad about! Do you really not care what happens to you at all?!" Frisk looked down and smiled a little bit. "No, not really..." John kneeled down to look at Frisk in the face. "I'll keep you here then." Frisk finally looked up and said: "You can't. People have tried...but my adoptive parents only found the harshest ways to kill them. I don't think you deserve to die. None of those people did..." John got up and held his hand out. "You need to sleep." Frisk took his hand and they walked up to a room for Frisk. "You can sleep in here. If you need something I'm next door, I'll wake you up tomorrow for breakfast." John walked into his room and Frisk walked into her temporary one. There was a teddy bear on the bed so she cuddled with it and tried to sleep. But there was no sleep that night.

The next morning~

John woke up at 7:30 am, showered and got dressed. He walked out of his room and over to Frisk's door. "Frisk, it's time to wake up, breakfast should be done soon." John then walked downstairs and sat down. 5 minutes later the food was on both sides of the ten-foot table. Once John finished eating he waited a few more minutes for Frisk. After a long time, John went upstairs and knocked on the door. "Frisk, please come downstairs to eat, we have a lot to do today." John put his ear to the door and heard a small "shh..." He knocked again but louder. "Frisk I don't want to, but I will come in there. I need to know that you're coming downstairs." Frisk then spoke but it sounded like she hadn't slept for hours and was crying. "I-I'm fine Jo-John. Just give me a-a few more min-minutes." John thought that he should go in there to check. But he didn't...

Around an hour later John knocked on her door again. "If you don't want to eat that's fine but you do need water and I need you to come downstairs immediately, I still need to collect the tears. It's been an hour." "I-I'm so sorry John I'll be out so-soon." John was worried so he went downstairs to look for the key to her room. Once he did he ran back upstairs, unlocked Frisk's door and barged right in. Frisk was naked, crying, and the room was a mess. The window was open and the teddy bear John had placed in there was ripped to shreds. "Frisk...what happened...?" Frisk looked up and covered herself with the blanket. "I-I...The d-doctor was here and he...he..-" John told Frisk that he knew now and she didn't have to talk about it. "Are you hungry?" Frisk nodded. "Just a little bit." John knows she's lying and must be starving but at least she agreed to eat something. "I'll get one of my maids to help you." John then turned around and started walking. "John?" He turned back around. "Yes, Frisk?" "I want to stay with that okay?" He smiled and nodded. "I'll keep you safe."




(A/N As I wrote at the top this is very important to the plot of the story and the next chapter will be just as long. See ya next week!)



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