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(A/N I'm going to start posting every Wednesday and Sunday from now on. Enjoy!)


Chara's POV~

It's the next morning and I can't help but check all around Frisk's body for flowers. When I find a new one on her knuckle I write it down. I've been writing the date, the time, and location new flowers grow on my darling Frisk. Once I've done that I get up and get dressed for the day. Today is the meeting for the human ambassador and the monster ambassador. We are discussing marriages between the two races. I'm not sure if Frisk should go today. The flowers on her and too noticeable.

I walk downstairs and pour some cereal into a bowl. "Mom?" I look behind me. "Good morning Liam." "Morning" he looks so tired. "Did you sleep well last night?" He nods. "Do you want some cereal?" "Sure." He sits at the table and I give him a bowl. "Is mama awake?" "I don't know. Why don't we go check." He finishes eating and then we both go upstairs. "Mama wake uuuuup!" Liam gets closer and pokes her face. "Mama...?" I go to pick out some clothes for Frisk. "Mama it's time to get up." She has so many clothes. I hear Liam shake Frisk. "Mama! Time to go to work! Get up!" I set the clothes in the bathroom and start the water. I walk back into the room and Liam is shaking Frisk like a mad man. I chuckle, not aware of what was really happening. "Let's get her to the shower." Me and Liam pick her up and put her in the tub. "Go down stairs and make your mom some breakfast please." "Okie!" Liam runs down stairs and I undress Frisk. "Honey, I'm serious you need to wake up. No more jokes." I put her in the tub and wash her hair and body. "Frisk, this isn't funny anymore!" I shake her like Liam did. I pour water on her face. A flower grows on her and I run to my notebook to jot down the necessary things. I run back with my notebook and she's awake and laughing. I stare at her. Its been so long since she laughed like that. She calms down and looks at me. "Sorry about that. It was too funny. But thanks for the bath." I chuckle and walk to her. "You suck." Then Liam yells from downstairs. "You're gonna be late mama!" Then we both rush until we make it to the meeting. We were 2 hours early...
(A/N sorry it's so short. I did not have that much time to work on it today. And plus my internet is down so that didn't help either. See ya next Sunday!)
(462 words)

(COMPLETED) Flowertale {Chara x Frisk} SEQUEL!Where stories live. Discover now