Part 4: A strange day

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(Herobrines FoV)
Something was not right. I felt watched all the time. Even Victoria was acting differently. A few minutes later I said: "Maybe we should stop for today. I... don't feel so well." She nodded and asked quietly: "Do you feel that too? The feeling of being watched?" I nodded as well. We went outside in the woods to calm down a little bit. But as we were walking next to each other, I heard a twig breaking. I turned around quickly and saw a huge mutated Enderman with six arms. "Run" was the only thing I could say before the Enderman threw me against a birch tree. I landed on the ground and saw Victoria just standing there, starring into the eyes of the Enderman-Mutant-Thingy. I watched her raising her hand but the Enderman was getting ready to attake. Then, within a second, I teleported. I don't know why, but I did. When I came back to my senses, I noticed a heavy pain in my chest. I looked down and saw the black arm of the Enderman sticking in my chest. I heard Victoria scream and stab the Enderman multiple times in the belly, but I couldn't feel anything anymore. I sat down and held the wound. After a few heartbeats I've fallen into unconsciousness.

(Victorias (Players) FoV)
You saw Herobrine falling to the floor and ran towards him. You felt a weird feeling as you tried to wake him up. But he didn't react at first. You looked around but you didn't scream incase someone was watching. Your look fell on the house... Then you got an idea. You picked him up and brought him home. He was lighter than you expected him to be. You closed the door behind you and set him onto the sofa. "Please, wake up. I beg you...", you heard yourself saying. After some hours of trying to keep him alive you got him in a stable condition. You set your bed on the other sofa and looked at him. Then you fell in a deep, dreamless sleep.

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