Part 19: FINALLY!

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(Herobrines Fov)
At least the the transformation stopped. It has been a few days since Victoria cried into my shoulder. But since that day she is pissed. Steve has tried to get her to speak but she is completely stubborn. I was sitting in my bedroom and thought about what happened. I somehow missed her. Maybe Slenderman was right. I might actually love her. I had tried to get her to make herself at home, to make everything comforting for her, but she doesn't listen. A few days ago I got her her cat which she had in her game. She took it and closed the door again. In that moment I went into my room and cried myself to sleep. And here I am, sitting in my room. It's the first of July. My birthday. Someone knocked on the door and came in. I was sitting with my back turned towards the door and couldn't see Toriel coming in. She sat down behind me and I turned around to her. She had a plate with a piece of butterscotch pie. On the pie were two candles which made the number 19. I smiled sadly and Toriel told me to blow the candle out. I did and wished me something. Toriel gave me a present: a beautiful, in blue paper wrapped present with a red ribbon on top of it. I opened it and got a book: '99 ways to use snails, part 1: dragon snails' I smiled and hugged Toriel. "Thank you." Toriel smiled at me and left the room. I put the book next to me. On the cover were two snails looking up at a huge snailshell. Steve came in and said: "Follow me Hero!" I nodded and as we were at the bottom of the stairs Steve suddenly blindfolded me. He took my hand and brought me into the living room. I couldn't see shit. Steve took the blindfold off and everybody suddenly called: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEROBRINE!" I was surprised. Everyone was here, except for Victoria and Notch. But that didn't bring me down at all. Gaster, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus and everyone held a candle in his hand. It were exactly 19 candles. A birthday cake was on the table with a sugar writing on it: 'Happy B-Day Hero!' It had a little blue heart next to it. I smiled and we had a great party. At 8:13 pm (the official time of my birth) Victoria came in and went over to me. I looked at her and she took my hand. Her left hand was behind her back. Suddenly she pulled me into a deep kiss. Her eyes were blue and closed. I kissed her back and she broke it after a few minutes. "Happy Birthday Senpai." She whispered and gave me a present. It had all the names on it. Toriel chuckled. "That's a present from everyone to you." I opened the pink ribbon and got two presents at once: A picture book with every single picture in it that she could get from my family, the UT characters and the Creepypastas. It was beautifully made. I opened the second present and got a tiny black box. I opened it and found a ring in it. I looked at her. She smiled and said: "Well I know that boys normally make girls a proposal of marriage but I thought we could change it up." She took the ring and kneeled down. "I want to be with you forever. I love you and only you. Do you want to marry me?" I was crying a little bit. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" We hugged each other and everybody started to cheer. She put the ring on my ring finger and I put the second one on hers. "Oh my God! Would you guys smooch already?" Mettaton suddenly asked. We smiled at each other and shared a tender kiss. They cheered and we went to bed. She went with me in my room. As we fell asleep we hugged each other. After some time the castle went completely silent except the night guards which roamed around the castle on the watch for enemies.

*Le timeskip to morning*
(Mettatons FoV)
I stretched and put my sleep glasses down. It was like 7 o'clock in the morning and the sun couldn't rise here since we were in the Nether. I fixed my hair and went in the kitchen. Notch was already sitting there. He was staring at his Coffee mug. Everyone else seemed to be still asleep."How long have you been awake Honey?" I asked. Notch raised his eyes and looked at me. "I don't know... What time is it?" "7 o'clock darling." Notch looked at me. His eyes widened. "I was awake all night..." He whispered. I looked at him. "Oh darling..." I sighed. I picked him up bridal style and brought him quietly to bed. He was a little bit warmer than he should be. I was worried. I heard a door opening and closing and went back downstairs into the kitchen. When I put Notchs' cup into the sink and made myself some coffee Herobrine and Victoria came in. Herobrine sat down and Victoria sat next to him. She put her head on his shoulder. I chuckled and made them some coffee as well. Herobrine thanked me and I sat down as well. I let them both wake up completely and said after an hour: "Herobrine... I don't think Notch is completely... healthy. He is warm and he didn't sleep at all." Herobrine looked a little bit worried. He went upstairs and Victoria and I followed. He opened the door and went towards Notch. Hero put his hand on his forehead and pulled it back almost instantly. "Mettaton... Get Toriel. Quickly." I sprinted out of the room and knocked on the door. Toriel opened the door and looked at me. I told her what is wrong and she followed me. She went next to Herobrine and examined Notch. "Well it's alright. He is just hasn't had enough sleep." Herobrine seemed a little bit happier. Notch opened his eyes and asked: "Why is everyone here now?" Herobrine sighed. He answered with a soft voice: "Don't worry. Everything is alright." Herobrine put his hand on Notchs' forehead and stroke down slowly. Notch calmed down as he was being comforted by his cold hand. Notch fell asleep and Herobrine sighed quietly. We went downstairs and drank our coffee.

I'm on fire!!! Two chapters in two hours!

No seriously get me to the fire department!

Your JerryTeddy

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