Part 6: Let's go

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(Victorias FoV)
Herobrine started to feel better a few weeks later. I was so happy about that. I don't know why but I care for him. I felt save an happy when I was with him. Today we would go meet some of his friends. But as usual, I took the little notebook Herobrine gave me and started write my diary.

Dear Diary,
I still can't figure out why I care for him. I barely know him and most of the time he was gone. Today we are going to meet some of Herobrines friends. I have a weird feeling about this... But as I know him, he would save me in every situation. He already did it once. Now that I think about it, I think I love him. He is so nice to me and always keeps track of me. But I have to go. I guess Herobrine will dash in in a few minutes because he wants to scare me again.
See you soon,

And I was right. Herobrine dashed in a few seconds later and actually didn't scare me. The only thing that happened is that I started laughing. He glanced at me. I was crying because of laughter and was holding my belly. My cheeks hurt. Our eyes met and I felt a warm feeling in my chest. I stumbled towards him and fell into his arms. "Oh Jesus... You should have seen your face Hero! It was just delicious!" I laughed. He smiled a little bit then he suddenly started to tickle me. I fell to the ground and tried to push him away but it didn't work. So I gathered all of my strength and pushed him onto his own back. Then I started to tickle. Herobrine couldn't get out at all so we laughed until we couldn't. We both were breathing hard as Herobrine laid down. He started to cough a little to get his breath back. I tickled him again and again until he finally gave up. Even he wasn't able to get out of this situation without hurting me. He was a little bit red. I let him stand up. As he was standing he instantly went to the door. He said: "So, are you gonna come now or not?" I nodded. He opened the door and held it open until I was out. When we went into the forest, I started to run. But a few seconds later I saw Herobrine right behind me. He was fast that's for sure. He ran past me and stopped suddenly. I ran into him and pushed him onto the soft floor. He stood up and gave me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up. I was confused why he stopped so I looked up. What I saw was amazing.

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