Part 24: The meeting of a true demon

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(Victorias' FoV)
I was scared. Notch went completely unconscious a few days ago. He just woke up a minute ago. I was on my way to get Toriel as I suddenly heard a loud knock. I opened the door and saw a girl with orange hair standing outside. She was wearing a green shirt on and a brown jeans with riding boots. She looked at me. "Hello my name is Alex. Do you know if Steve is here?" I nodded. "My name is Victoria. Nice to meet you. And yes, Steve is here." I turned around and yelled: "STEVE! VISITOR FOR YOU!" He came down and saw Alex standing there. He hugged her and let her go inside. I went on my way to find Toriel and eventually found her. I told her that Notch woke up and we went upstairs to him. His eyes were lighter than normally. He was staring at the ceiling. Toriel softly knocked on the door and came in. She sat next to him and asked: "How do you feel Notch?" He looked at her. "His soul is broken... We can't bring him back... Not anymore... He is broken." Toriel put her hand on his forehead. "I'm sure we'll find a way. Just get well again and we'll talk about it later again." She stood up and walked outside. I looked at Notch who was asleep again. I sigh quietly and left the room.


I went towards Notch and gave him the tea I made. He sat in the kitchen. Everyone was around us. We were talking g about the situation. Herobrine was insane again. He was corrupted. Slenderman sighed. "We can't keep him walking around like that. He's clearly not himself. We heard about some murders which were made around. All of his victims had a heart carved on their chest. Something happened which broke him finally.", He groaned. Notch shrugged and answered: "The only thing that I can imagine is what happened when we were twelve. When we banned him and broke him the first time." Ben shook his head. "That wouldn't really make sense. He let you guys live here. He even let Steve hug him. Of he really was that scared he would have killed everyone instantly before Steve could even touch him. I highly doubt that he... Acts because of that. There has to be something else. Something that you did in that time. And only you." "I got it! Notch, you told lies about him and made his life a living hell!" I suddenly interrupted. Slenderman looked at me and said: "That could be it. Herobrine would want to get revenge after that." We nodded. "Now we only have to find him right?" Asked Steve. Slenderman nodded. "And I know who can do that for us."

"No I ain't getting my ass in this dilemma!" Null groaned. His face was behind a mask. "I ain't getting myself killed because you need a spy!" "Please Null! You're our only hope!" Ben said. Null sighed. "Alright. I'mma do it." He disappeared and I let out a sigh of relief.

Please Hero. If you're still there... Find a way back to yourself... Please...

(Herobrines FoV)
I stretched my back. Blood dripped down my arms. I licked the blood from one of my fingers. Yummy. I smiled. How did I not do that all the time? I glitched out and found myself on a roof. A black figure was hiding in a bush. I grinned. Seriously? Making it so easy for me with an easy enemy? I went invisible and stabbed the person from behind. I recognize that mask. It was Null. Stress on WAS. I chuckled at my own pun and dragged him on the street. I carved a heart on his chest and took his knife with me. My sword was still at home. I thought about getting it but it would be to much to carry. And it is funnier to stab people with a knife. I took the mask of his face and stabbed at both of his blue eyes. Just making sure he stays dead. I disappeared and went to another city. I casted a spell so the people can't get out of the city or come in. Then I started my rampage again. Everyone ran away scared. Some people armed themselves but they didn't have a chance since I couldn't get hurt. After three hours I was done. Geez that was a big city. I finished the last person a d dragged him on the street where a big pile of corpses was laying. I sat down after I finished. I was just waiting for Notch and the others to notice that the big city is destroyed. In the meanwhile I played a little bit with my soul shatters. Suddenly I felt someone standing behind me. Betty! I jumped up a d instantly attacked her. She fell to the ground, dead. I smiled. That worked out just fine. I decapitated her and put her head on her own soul spear. Kumu was dead. We already killed him. Wait no... I already killed him. I looked in her face. Her pink eyes were rolled to the sky. Her soul had already shattered. I smiled and stood up. Notch should have noticed. If not... I set the city on fire. I went invisible again and removed the spell. I started floating in the air. A few minutes later the fire trucks drove through the city. I let lightning strike down at them and giggled. I disappeared and went back to a forest. I sat down on the crown of a huge oak and started sleeping.

On the next day I made another cut on my arm. What am I gonna do today? Well guessed. Destroying cities. I jumped down the tree. 15 meters. Pretty huge that tree. I started running towards another city. I did the same thing as yesterday and in the evening I had destroyed 12 cities. I was proud. That's my record! I went towards 'home'.

(Notchs' FoV)
"Fuck! He killed Null!" Yelled Steve. "That bastard! I'mma fucking make him wish that he was never born!" I didn't even try to calm him down. Why should I? He had a good reason. But I said: "Steve. Remember. He is not himself. I bet if he was he would kill himself." Steve hissed and went in his room. Slenderman was standing. He had put his hands on the table. He inhaled some air and exhaled it. "We only have to get to his... Soul. We somehow have to reactivate his own self. We can't hurt him no matter what." Jessica suddenly collapsed. She was clutching her chest. "Betty is dead!" She coughed. Betty was Jessica's daughter. "How?" I asked. Alex shrugged. "I guess he killed her. She can't die from fall damage can she?" Jessica shook her head. Gaster groaned. "We have to attack him finally. Jeff got killed, Liu as well, then Jane and almost Ben. Asgore died, Toriel got hit by an explosion but she is not really hurt, Sans and Papyrus are both mentally hit... We lost Null, Entity is hurt as well and Victoria..." "I'm fine." She hissed. Gaster shrugged. Her eyes were red. Steve's were red as well. He felt the hit from his brothers soul shattering as well. But he didn't care. Speaking of the devil he came downstairs. "I have a plan." He groaned. He told us and we agreed.

(Absentias' FoV)
I couldn't believe it. I couldn't feel anything anymore. Herobrine shattered our soul... We... HE isn't the same. I tried to take over again but he pushed me away. He was insane... And I hoped we would just have a great life again. But no. Since Notch told lies about us he wasn't himself. And that trip to the void gave him the rest. The only thing that I could do... Was to warm them somehow. But I don't have a body anymore. I have to get an idea. And that ASAP.

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