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(A/n long chapter, you're welcomeeee)

Y/n age 11
I walk downstairs and my sisters and brothers
Mom and dad all downstairs ready to eat
I sat down at my usual spot
"hey chicos lo siento, tenía algunas cosas para cuidar"
[hey guys sorry I had some to take care of]
I guess you can say I grew up fast, all my brothers are in a gang so guess what?
Kinda forced
"hija, no me gusta lo que está pasando, concentrarme en los deportes nos hace sentir orgullosos a ti ya tu madre" my dad said while 4 of my siblings were looking at me
[daughter, i don't like what is going on, focus on sports make me and your mother proud]
I have 5 but Eduardo
He's always doing gang stuff
We pray and the doorbell rings
My brother Jose says with a smile on his face
"I'll get it"
The last words I ever heard him say
I hear the door swing open and
my mom looks at us worried
Then I hear more gun shots
I was under the kitchen cabinet scared outta my mind when suddenly it got real quiet
I get out and see blood everywhere and my sisters and brothers laying lifeless on the ground
When suddenly a grown man probably 30-40s
"Listen, I would kill you but I need a message to get through. Tell Eduardo that Daquan said
to leave him alone and I need my money."
I look as his words sent shivers down my spine.
Thoughts rn
I obviously moved in with lashanti and her mom princella, considering shanti has been my bestfriend since we were 1.
Y/n age 13
I was walking down the street with Keyshawn (we used to be suck good friends and then he changed) when a group of 6-7 guys walked up to us, being in s gang unless it's your friends it's not a good sign if you didn't know. They pinned me up against the wall and suddenly
instead I see the guy holding me fall to the ground and see Eduardo and keyshawn.
Then police sirens and Eduardo doesn't leave
He lets himself get locked up. I used to visit him, a year after me and shanti and princella would go down there but then he told lashanti and I very sternly, "get out of the gang, lashanti you are so smart, you take all honors classes and never had a b in your life, you can graduate and leave and live a happy life" then he looked at me and smiled "and you are the only family I have left, Listen you we the most athleticly talented girl I've ever seen, you are so great, you can get a scholarship for any sport you play and just get outta here and get a husband and live, but listen you two" suddenly instead of his eyes focusing on my the shifted to both of us. "Bring in this gang isn't gonna turn out for the better, I mean look at me my mom, dad and most of my siblings are dead because of me, I deserve to be here." He said while suddenly looking down . "No you do-" he cut me off by telling me something I never wanted to hear "I'm only 17 y/n, get outta here and I don't want you to see my again, not like this." His eyes focus on shanti "you either, I love you both so much. Take care of yourselves" he said while telling the guard to take him back.
Y/ns age 14
Dev left today to better his life, he was like the last thing I had in the family that actually talked to me. I'm happy for him tho, gets him outta here. I didn't get outta the gang but shantis mom is in the hospital. We both know she's not going to make it and we don't know what to do, I mean shanti turns 16 in a month, so does dj. Maybe he'll move in I mean they've been together since they were 12.
Y/n age 15
I got with Keshawn and everything was so great, it was perfect he would take me out on dates and go to all my games and support me, everytime I did something good in the game you would here him yelling about how I'm his girl but in that month a lot changed. Keys brother got shot and died after that, he takes all of his anger out on me physically, mentally and sexually. I let him just cause I know what he's going through it's hard, I get it.
Finally now
Age 16
Soccer season over, basket ball season just started and I was working my ass off, I mean I'm a junior, I have scouts looking at me already. I do have bruises constantly all over my body and busted lips and black eyes but they don't seem to care, or maybe they do, idk nor do I care I can't do anything about it.
That night
Devs here and I'm giving shanti and dj the place and staying at his hotel with his friends. I know it's babyish that shanti packed my bags but, if I would have tried she'd flip. She's like a bestfriend/sister/mother in one. We got food everything was good until dev asked about key, I was already uncomfortable cause his friends were looking at me as if they were so sorry for me. Except him, joey I think? He just looked at me not with sympathy or sadness in his eyes he would just look at me, then I would look at him and he would smile and then I would. Fuck he's kinda hot, I never really thought a white guy was this hot before, I mean all my exes are dark or light skins.
Fuck what'd dev ask
Idc we're leaving to go the hotel now
3 hours later
I can't sleep, I mean I never really can but this time I'm wide awake. I'm sleeping on the couch in dev, Taylor and joeys room cause I don't wanna invade.
I get up and throw on my sweatshirt cause I was wearing a sports bra and went to the balcony. I just looked out at the city I've called home for 16 years. The one that has so many smiles and cry's. Then the balcony door opened. I didn't stop looking, I just nodded it off. Then suddenly, he looks at me, the look I seem to love.
"Hey" his voice kinda raspy, I also kinda like it ;)
"Hi" I gave him a smile
"I don't know what you go through but I know that you're probably the best person I know for the fact you go through it, I know that sounds corny asf but I'm fr"
I didn't know what to say to that so I just went up and hugged him, we stayed like that for about 2 minutes rocking back and forth, not awkward at all just perfect silence. I let go and looked up at him
Why do I feel the sudden urge to kiss him
I think he heard my thoughts and leaned in
Right before our lips touched
I mean they brushed each other we hear a loud bang in the room, I run in to see key, flipping shit, he points the gun at joey as if he did something wrong, I told them all to leave but joey and dev wouldn't, everyone else did. I'm currently standing on the side of joey and dev on the other side of him.
"Your cheating on me with this little kid?" He says with anger in his voice and a gun in his hand
I can't believe he would even think that
"No key you know I wouldn't" slowly making my way towards him as dev and joey look at me like I'm crazy.
"Well you're not gonna cheat with him ever again" I was so confused then everything happened in slow motion. I jumped in front of joey and
I didn't feel pain but I felt tired and weight being lifted off my shoulders.
I heard running
I look up and see dev, joey, Bryce, Taylor and Elle looking at me. Dev gets up and calls what I consider is shanti and Bryce is on the phone with cops and help and joey well my heads resting in his lap while he just stares at me asking me to stay away.
"For me"
Is the last words I heard until I woke up in a room I didn't know...
(A/n sorry if this is confusing but it's just a more detailed explanation on her life, also joeys gonna be in it more now. Thank you, comment and vote and I'll post more soon)
Word count: 1492

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