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I heard the door open
"I wanna be alone" I said while my voice kinda cracked and I seen someone I didn't think I would
Coach mathers
Lemme explain him
The school I go to is like k-12 where there's hella floors and so we all fit
So I've known coach mathers since he started and he was there when my family died and he's helped me through everything he always pulls me outta class just to work out, he's like the dad I never got to grow up with.
"Hi y/n"
I turn and look at the sorrow in his eyes
"Hey coach" I slightly smile but knowing deep down it's fake.
"So I heard how you can't really play anymore..." he said as a tear dropped off his face almost making me laugh
A real laugh
I mean this man has screamed his ass off and not once have I seen him cry, idk it's kinda funny to me
"Coach why are you crying, last time I cried cause I missed a shot you called me a pussy and told me to stop" I said chuckling
He smiled and laughed
"You're my best player, you're a great soccer player, track runner and dancer, also a good fighter even tho I told you not to fight anymore and a damn amazing basketball player. I mean seasons over but what about next season? Omg were gonna loose. Ever since you joi-"
I cut him off
"Coach you're gonna do fine, we have a amazing team they'll do great you still have kionna she's definitely as good as me"
"Yeah but you ar-"
He got cut off by the door opening
And I see joey and instantly smile
We've been spending a lot of the time together
I think he just feels bad but let's see
"I uh got you food, Ella (my doctor) told me I can try to get you to eat but she doesn't know what yet and I don't know what you like so I got like everything I think." He said as my eyes trailed to like the 500000 bags he had in his hand
Coach looks at him looking at me
And here it comes the ice breaker
"See why can't you date a guy like this instead of keshawn ugly ass self"
I just laugh not breaking eye contact with the bags
Joey not breaking eye contact with me
Coach not breaking eye contact with joey
Omg is he blushing
Fuck don't don't don't fall for me I'm going to die, fuck.
"Well imma leave you to and your food alone"
"Bye coach"
Right before he's about to leave
"And y/n, rest don't worry about sports get better so you can play again"
I look and smile as he shuts the door
Joey walks towards me setting a lot of bags on the ground
"Joey I'm serious you didn't have to do this, like I'm not even that worth it. How much was all this it must've co-"
I got cut off by feeling lips on mine
I felt like
Idek like everything around me was perfect
And like I was perfect and just idk
"Sorry just you wouldn't shut up soooo"
I just laugh
"What do you want food we've got..."
I trailed off just looking in his eyes
".... and y/n are you even listening?"
"Sorry I zoned off" I said smiling kinda embarrassing
I scooted over as he looked at me confused
"You bought me food that probably cost more than my apartment, the least I can do is get you outta that uncomfortable hospital chair"
"Y/n are you sure, are you like hot  or will your wounds get-"
"There covered and my body isn't boiling rn"
2 hours later
I barely ate cause I couldn't my body ached when I tried so I just put a lot of it back in the bags
I turned to see joey passed out
I smiled
Why do I feel this way?
Is this a mistake
Am I gonna ruin it?
My thoughts were stopped by someone I haven't seen in 5-6 years and someone I met with a month ago.
"Hey l-"
( sorry gotta leave this here, who do you think it is?
If you get it right I'll send you a cookieeeee, no actually I won't butttttttt I can send a fake onneeeee"

Crazy things happen (joey birlem fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now