Chapter Eighteen

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The day before his birthday, James had completely exhausted himself after covering a Quidditch match that ended up lasting eight hours in total. He had made it home after the long day, only to fall asleep at the table once Renata set a plate of food down for him to eat. Snoring away, Renata and Harry knew that James wasn't going to be very lively that evening. However, after Renata got him to bed, she realised that James had yet to mention his upcoming birthday and she wondered if he actually remembered it. After all, he had been so busy as of late, covering the Quidditch matches and writing up his articles, there were days that James didn't even know what day of the week it was.

However, Renata could confirm that he had his birthday off at least and she wanted to do something special for James. What that something special was, she wasn't entirely sure as of yet and time was running out.

Of course, she very well knew that James would be happy just to spend time with friends and family on his birthday, he would make it a point to say that no one needed to get him anything because he had everything he ever wanted. Yes, it was all very sweet and sentimental, but it didn't stop everyone from wanting to do something special for James either. After all, he had been there for everyone during their darkest times and helped them through it. Sirius and Remus could go on for hours with all the stories of how James had helped them from the time they were children to adulthood.

And Renata definitely had her own stories as well.

"You know, Harry," she said after a few minutes of watching Harry move around the mashed parsnips on his plate, " I think I have an idea of what I should do for your father's birthday. Or at least, one more gift for him.

Suddenly, the mashed parsnips lost their playful appeal to Harry and he looked up at his mother with a bright grin. The mention of gifts and birthdays was always exciting and Harry always wanted to take part in something fun. Harry had spent the majority of the previous few days, collecting things as gifts for his father and he was definitely excited about presenting them.

"We have a party?" he asked, thinking back to the celebrations that he had been a part of in the past. Harry adored parties because it usually meant spending time with his friends and getting to see all the adults that he adored, all gathered in one place. Not to mention, all the sweets that Renata would make during such occasions or Molly's additional cooking. Everyone could always guarantee to be well fed with the two of them around.

With a chuckle, Renata nodded her head. "Yes, of course, there will be a party, but I'm talking about another gift, Harry. I have to get your father a nice present and I think I know what I can do but I'm not buying it, I think I'm going to make it. However, it'll have to wait until the morning because right now, you need a bath and then get into bed."

There came the pout on Harry's face at the mention of going to bed, he didn't mind bath time in the slightest, but bedtime didn't sound like any sort of fun, not with a party on the near horizon. However, Renata knew how to speak Harry's language to at least get him somewhat motivated. She promised that the sooner Harry got into bed and went to sleep, the quicker time would pass and it would be nearly time for the party. That definitely seemed to be enough to convince Harry as he took the quickest bath to date and threw on his pyjamas, even if they were on backwards before climbing into bed.

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