Groupchat (1-A Boys X Reader)

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King Explosion Murder has started the conversation

King Explosion Murder: Alright, losers. We have to come to an agreement.

KoolKami has joined the conversation

Red_Riot has joined the conversation

Red_Riot: Sure, BakuBro! What's up?

KoolKami: dady? i telled yu i didn tayk ur tammpon

King Explosion Murder: The fuck?

Red_Riot: He's training. Must've overused his Quirk.

King Explosion Murder: Doesn't matter. That's not why we're here.

Shouto has joined the conversation

Shouto: How did you find my account?

King Explosion Murder: Your username is literally your fucking first name, dumbass. Now where's Deku?

AllMightRocks123 has joined the conversation

King Explosion Murder: THERE YOU ARE!

AllMightRocks123has left the conversation

King Explosion Murder: Oh, no you fucking don't!

AllMightRocks123 has joined the chat

AllMightRocks123: What?

AllMightRocks123: What did I do?

AllMightRocks123: I swear, it was an accident!

King Explosion Murder: Jesus fucking Lord, do you ever shut the hell up?

Shouto: Quit bickering. Bakugou, why are we here?

King Explosion Murder: Right.

King Explosion Murder: Y/N.

Red_Riot: What about her?

KoolKami: shi iz prtty


Shouto: Kaminari's ill ability to spell?

King Explosion Murder: No, you fucking idiot!

Red_Riot: Then... Why?

King Explosion Murder: Y/N is MINE.

King Explosion Murder: So you fuckers better quit making moves on her!

King Explosion Murder: Good? Great. You can leave.

Shouto: Wait.

Shouto: I thought you said we had to come to an agreement.

King Explosion Murder: We just did.

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