Chapter 38: Destroy Model W

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Izuku continues through the area until he finds a room full of hundreds and hundreds of Cyber-elves in containers.

"Cyber-elves! Why are there so many of them?!"

Serpent teleports in next to another giant spiked machine.

"You must be wondering why we need so many Cyber-elves to awaken Model W... Hmph! A child like you could never understand that! Besides the emotions of the people... Their fright... It becomes the power that drives Model W!" 


The room starts shaking. Model W appears next to Serpent.

"You have my gratitude, boy. Thanks to your negative energy... Model W has been restored!! Model W, it's time! The despair and fear of this country are yours!"

The Cyber-elves' containers are broken, and they start being pulled towards Model W Core and absorbed.

"By joining us, the weak are freed from their suffering! The chosen one, Mega Man, will save the people! That is the glory of Project Haven!"

"Mega Man will save the people!? Where did you get all of these Cyber-elves!?" Izuku demanded.

"Ten years ago, people fell victim to a Maverick raid. My company's security force dealt with the Maverick threat and were welcomed back as heroes. Since then, this country has been plagued by raid after raid and my company has always come to the rescue. I was able to earn the trust of the people, while at the same time harvest the spirits I needed! This country's history is merely one facet of a greater plan - Project Haven."

"So you just used the victims of the raids ten years ago, people like my mom to create the Cyber-elves!? All of it! My mom! Boss! Prairie's sister! You're behind all of their losses!!" 

"Survival of the fittest! The strong survive while the weak fade away! It's the classic struggle for life! The spirits of the people have given me what I need to obtain the power of Model W! Look at you! You're only able to stand before me today thanks to the power of Model Z absorbed from that red Mega Man! Everything has been leading up to this moment. You and me!" The Model W Core absorbs the last Cyber-elves. Serpent Megamerges with Model W. "Your fear and despair combined with my joy in victory... They shall be the ultimate gift to Model W!"


"What's so funny, Serpent!?" Izuku shouted.

"It's just as Prometheus and Pandora said. You are the final key. Right now... you are being controlled by a powerful emotion..." Serpent raises his arms. "Emotion so powerful it exceeds even mine!"

The Model W Core sends out a strange purple shockwave. Vent suddenly demerges as a glowing purple energy is pulled from his body and absorbed into the Model W Core

"My transformation was cancelled! What's... going on!?"

The room starts shaking again.

"The emotion driving you now... That emotion is not bravery... It's not born out of some sense of righteousness... It's hate. Your hate for me and everything I've taken from you!" Model W Core starts glowing bright red and begins to merge with Serpent. "Hahaha... Gyahahahahaha! The new age is beginning right now before your very eyes. The age of the Mega Man... The destined ruler!" 

Serpent grows into a monstrous form and finishes merging.

"That means... I was the key for awakening Model W? All of the pain... All of the fighting... Was a mistake?"

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