Chapter 11: "cheat"

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"what?! You want me to throw myself in at him? That idiot?" Lisa exclaimed

"that's the only way to make jennie come back to me, she hasn't been replying my messages and calls" jungkook pleaded.



As lisa saw taehyung was about to walk past them.

She signals the guy in front of her to start.

The guy slapped her on her face hard.

Taehyung stop for a moment, have a second look before continue walking away.

"what the fuck?" lisa mutter under her breath when she saw taehyung walk off.

lisa run over to taehyung, hand held onto his arm.

He furrows his brows and moves her hands off him.

"save me, he is trying to hit up on me, I don't agree and he slaps me"

She yelled and she grabs onto his arm again.

"so? it doesn't involve me" he says and tries to remove her hands off him.

"NO! you got to help me, I am jennie friend" as much as she hates to mention her name, but she got to else she wouldn't even have the chance to get close with him.

"jennie?" he raises his brows and glances at her from the top to bottom.

he furrows his brows when he saw the clothes that she wore barely cover herself.

"is she your girl?" the guy question taehyung and pointed at lisa.

"yes I am" she say and kisses taehyung on his cheeks.

"YAH! what are you doing!" he pushes her away and wipes his cheek with the back of his hand.

"it doesn't seem like it" the guy chuckles.

"he is just shy." she held onto taehyung's face with both of her hands and lean forward to kiss him.

Taehyung closes his lips tightly and pushes her away.

"what are you doing?!" he spits his saliva out and wipes with the back of his hands before running off.

Looking at him running away, lisa mumbled "he is really weird"

"so what now? continue acting?" the guy asked.

lisa take out a stack of notes from her back pocket of her jeans and slam it on his chest before walking off.


"I am in" Lisa said while she put the stick in between her lip.

"what makes you change your mind?" jungkook say as he bends down at the pool table, trying to aim.

"he is cute" lisa said while she lights up the stick and slams the lighter on the pool table.

"then I hope we get what we want as soon as possible" jungkook throw the cue stick on the floor, walk over to get 2 glasses of alcohol and walk up to Lisa to hand her a glass.

"cheers" he said as he bangs his glass onto her's lightly before he chugs it down.


" actually i lied, i am not jennie friend and I don't need to borrow the textbook from you " she says while scanning taehyung's apartment, randomly touching his stuff.

"i know" he walks over to hand her a cup of water.

"you know?" she stops her hand from touching his stuff and crinkled in confusion.

he nodded his head " you are not her type of friend and you don't look like you study"

"you seem to know her very well" she nods her head in an impressive manner.

"of course, she is my girlfriend" he chuckles.

"do you trust her?" Lisa raises her brows.

taehyung just laugh.

"i mean cheating does exist yeah and especially when your girlfriend is so erm hmmm pretty?" lisa question him.

"she wouldn't" he chuckles.

"I am saying what if" Lisa continues questioning

"i said she wouldn't" taehyung starting to get annoyed.

"and how about you?" Lisa raises her brows.

"what me?" he walk over and sit next to her, leaving a big gap between them.

"would you cheat?" Lisa moves closer to him.

"no, never" he gives a serious look and moves away awkwardly.

Lisa moves forward, lean onto him and place her hand on his thigh, slowly rubbing it.

taehyung slap her hand off, "I respect you so I hope you can respect yourself also"

"fine!" she took her purse and left.

"keep a tight look on your girlfriend, don't let anyone have the chance to take her away from you. You wouldn't cheat doesn't mean she wouldn't." Lisa says before slamming the door close.

Taehyung clenches his fist until it turns white.


walking blankly down the street, her phone rang, she digs it out from her purse, slide to answer and put it to her ear.

"so how was it?" the voice of excitement was heard.

"what how was it?" Lisa reply was deadly.

"i mean how was that" jungkook repeated.


"don't tell me you haven't done it with him" he says through gritted teeth.

"what takes you so long?" he continues.

"i don't think he deserved that" Lisa snapped back.

"can you not let your emotion take over and get your job done?"

"i cant... he really loved her and i can't imagine what he will do if i force him to "cheat" on her" her voice was shaky.

"i don't care what he thinks, i only know he got to be the first one to cheat in this relationship"

"jungkook, you are being selfish"

"i dont care, i dont want her feel like being with me is cheating with her boyfriend"

"so what?! thats the fact! she cheated on him! Now you want to turn the table around and set the blame on taehyung?!" she hurled back at him, as if she was yelling straight in his face.

"if you can't do it, i will get someone else to do it" his tone was so much lower and it sounded so much scarier.

"you can't because taehyung wouldn't cheat on her, you should keep a tight look on her instead if she can cheat on taehyung with you, the next time, she can cheat on you with others" Lisa shake her head while saying it, feeling disappointed by jungkook's action.

"fuck you" jungkook spit out and hang up the call.

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