Chapter One: What Happened To Kaitlin Keen?

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   It was a clear and warm night in California. It was the kind of night that would have people drawn out of their house to be out and about with their families. But for Coby Smith, that was not the case. Instead of going out of his huge house, he was sitting on his couch in the living room with a microwave dinner in his lap. It had seemed like yesterday when he had gotten the worst news he had ever received in his life. About a year ago, he had gotten a call from an unknown number. He wasn't going to pick up, but for some reason, he had the urge too. The conversation went something like this:

   "Hello? Can I ask who is calling me?"Coby asked.

"Hello, this is the Science Lab of California. I've called you to inform you about some very bad news." The person at the Science Lab said slowly, choosing their words carefully.

Confused and tense, Coby replied," Okay... what is it that you are wanting to inform me?"

The person on the phone took a while to respond," I'm so sorry, your wife has just been killed."

Coby was in shock. His heart beaded hard and fast in his chest. The words that the person on the other end of the phone had just said echoed in his head. He could not believe what he had just heard.

After a few seconds he responded, "What? How? Is this a joke? This can't be true!"

"Your wife died because of a chemical explosion in her part of the lab, and she was killed. We are so sorry. All of us here at the Science Lab are so sorry about your loss. We will all keep her in our memory." And with that, the Science Lab guy hung up.

After the phone call, Coby cried for the first time in years. He wanted to cry for the rest of the night. He wanted to get her back. He had no one to turn too, he had no shoulder to cry on. Just when he thought something was going right for him, it all ended with a single phone call.

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