Chapter Twenty: Kaitlin's Story

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   Coby woke up in a small, well decorated bedroom. He was covered in a large, delicate quilt. It looked hand made. As he sat there in the unfamiliar bedroom, he slowly began to remember what had happened.

   As he looked at his watch, a woman walked in. She was the woman he had seen at the front door before he fainted. She walked into the room and smiled. Her teeth were exactly as Coby had remembered, they were perfect.

   The woman sat on the end of the bed and stared at him for a moment.

   "This can't be happening... it isn't possible." Coby said holding back tears.

   The woman nodded her head with a small smile with tears running down her face, "Yes, yes it is. I have a whole lot to explain, don't I?"

   "Yes, yes you do." Coby said with a small smile.

   "Ok, well let's start from the beginning. A few years ago, when I was still working for the Science Lab of California my co workers were being really weird towards me. They were always spreading rumors about me and hiding my lab equipment. I really was having a hard time at work. I never told you because I didn't want you to get involved. A while later, I was getting so worked up by what my lab mates were doing to me, so I stood up for myself. I told them to stop or else they would be reported." Kaitlin started to say.

"Oh goodness, nothing good can come out of that." Coby said.

"I know, I just was not thinking straight. But anyways, a few days after that... things got worse. Much worse. Every time I would walk down a corridor, or really go anywhere, I would feel like I was being watched. It was a weird feeling, and I didn't know what to do. So, I went to my friend and told her about what was going on."

"Wait, wait, wait-" Coby said, "So, you told your friend about what was going on, but you didn't tell me?!?!"

"Yes, but listen. I'm glad I never did in the end because I was worried for your safety. I didn't feel safe myself, and I didn't want to stress you out. But anyways, one night, I got a phone call. It was from an unknown number, so I almost didn't pick up. But I did anyways... the person on the other line had a really deep voice. It sounded a little familiar, but at the same time... it didn't. The voice told me that I had to leave the city. And if I didn't.. the people I loved would be taken away from me permanently. I started freaking out. I mean, I had to leave!"

Coby took her hand and said, "Katlin, you should have told me... we would have figured it out together."

"Looking back, your right, I should have told you. But I couldn't risk it. I knew that if I told you, I would risk you being killed. So... I left the city. And moved here. I was driving through the streets and saw this home for sale for a great price, so I moved in. It killed me to move away from you, but hey... it worked. You are still alive and so is everyone else that I love." Kaitlin explained.

"Hold on, if all of this is true, why did I get a call saying you were dead?" Coby asked.

"Oh yeah... about that. You see, I had to make it seem as if there was a real reason to why I never came home that night. So, I kinda... hired someone to call you and tell you I was dead. I'm sorry." Kaitlin said with tears streaming down her face.

Coby was shocked. He did not know what to say. "It's ok Kaitlin... I just... I was sad for years."

"I know... I was too. I knew that life would never be normal again after what I did. But it had to be done. I had no other choice."

"It was so strange, you just disappeared. That night, after I got the phone call I stared at the front door just waiting for you to come home."

Kaitlin frowned and hugged Coby, "I am so sorry for what I did. I don't blame you if you leave and never want to see me again. I don't deserve to be around you."

"No, no, no. That isn't true. For the rest of my life, I want to be around you. I never want to lose you again. When you were gone, I went through the worst time of my life. I love you Kaitlin, and I will never stop loving you."

"Coby, I love you too. So... what do you say.... should I come home?" Kaitlin asked with a small smirk.

"Actually.... I was thinking that maybe we should live here... I love the outside of the house and I bet that the rest of the inside of the house is just as beautiful. Plus, that large house we were living in has been such a burden. It also brings back a lot of bad memories." Coby said.

"Oh yes I heard about Emma June, I'm so sorry you had to watch that Coby."

"It's alright, so what do you say...? Can I move in?"

"Of course Coby. I love you..." Kaitlin said blushing.

"I love you too. Dang, it's been a long time since I have been able to say that." Coby said smiling.

Coby had finally found happiness. He knew that he would never be sad again, and he knew that he would never lose Kaitlin again. Coby loved Kaitlin, and always would.

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