Chapter Nine: Uncovering An Important Secret

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   After paying his bill, which didn't turn out to be as much as he thought it would, he headed out of the hospital his the Post-It Note in his back pocket. It had been two days since he fainted in the Science Lab. All he could think about at that moment was how much he missed his cat. So, without even thinking for very long. He sped back to his house. When he arrived, he ran through the door. He found Robert by his cat's food bowl.

   "Hi Robert! Are you feeding the cat?" Coby asked while he walked into his house.

   "Oh, yeah! So, your back! Your cat sure is a sweetie. For the last two days, I've come here and fed your cat. Hopefully your okay with that." Robert replied with a smile. After he said that, the cat meowed and started to purr and rub up against Coby's leg.

   "Oh! It's perfectly fine! I appreciate that you thought about feeding her. Thank you for doing that."

   "No problem! If you ever need help with anything, I'll always be available."

   "Okay, thanks! Good to know. Oh! I just remembered! I need to give this cat a spoon full of whipped cream like I promised." Coby said walking into his kitchen. Robert followed.

   After an awkward silence, Robert asked Coby, "So...what was up with everything at the Lab? I mean, it got kind of, oh I don't know, intense! Ya, that's the word, intense."

   Coby didn't know how to respond so he said nothing, "Sorry, I'm at a loss of words right now. Can you please refresh my memory?" Coby obviously was lying.

   "Umm... I don't know. Does this refresh your memory? COPS."

   "Oh yeah! Umm... so I found something in Kaitlin's Lab that made me freak out. So, I called the cops, and they didn't believe ya." Coby replied with a nervous laugh, "You got any other brain-busters for me?"

   "Uh, actually yeah! What made you freak out? I mean what was so important that it made you get into a fight with the cops? The cops, Coby!"

   "Oh, it was a note. A blue Post-It Note to be exact."

   "Well? Was there something on it or something?"

   "Yeah! In fact, I freaked out because the note said the Kaitlin's death wasn't an accident! When I read that, I couldn't believe it! I mean, it has to be real! The police think it's a prank or fake, but I know it real! I just know it!"

   "Wow, so that's what the whole scene was about?"

   "Yes! Is something wrong? I mean, did it affect you in any way?"

   "Uh... no? I mean, yes? Oh! I don't know."

   "Oh my goodness, what do you mean? I don't understand you." Coby said feeding the whipped cream to his cat.

   Robert sighed, "What you did affected me a lot. My boss threatened me that if you ever pulled another stunt like that again, I would lose my job. My job! You know hard I worked to get this job!"

   "Seriously? You could lose your job?"

   "Yeah! I'm not kidding Coby, this is serious! So please, don't do anything like that again. At least not at the Lab."

   "Okay! Well sometimes, I just can't control my actions. So, I guess the best thing I can do is to never show my face there ever again."

   "No, that's not necessary!"

   "Then what is?"

   "I'm just saying that if you do come back to the Lab, don't make a scene. That's all I'm asking of you."

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