- La Fin -

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Coby had been living a life of pain and sorrow. The only thing he loved for three years was his cat, Cassie. A man cannot live like that for very long. He had no other family besides Kaitlin, which he believed had died from a "scientific accident".

   When Coby found his wife, his life was forever changed. When he woke up, he knew that he would never be sad again. For he had found his wife.

   After Coby and Kaitlin found each other after three years, they decided to stay in the small 2 bedroom, and 3 bathroom home. They sold their mansion that was way too big for them, and got new jobs.

   After moving into the small cottage, they got another cat to be friends with their first cat, Cassie. Coby and Kaitlin has been lonely for a long time, and they didn't want Cassie to feel that same emotion.

   Two years had passed when they decided that they wanted to start a family. No, not a family of cats. A real family. They wanted at least 2 children. Because of the size of the home, they added an addition onto the home. They added two more bedrooms and another bathroom.

   After making their home safe, and super kid-friendly, they had their first child. She was a beautiful little girl with large green eyes, just like her mother's. They named her Ivy, and she was a super energetic, happy baby.

   A couple of years later, they had their second, and final child. He was a cute little boy with brown hair and green eyes. They named this child Colten, and he was a very sweet kid. He loved helping people.

   Coby had finally started to enjoy life again, and so did Kaitlin. Both of them had found their happiness, and never wanted to let go of it. They knew that their children had bright futures, which was all they cared about.

   The story of Kaitlin and Coby Keen is not true, but spreads a great message. The character Coby is made up of many different character traits such as fear, humility, bravery, and kindness. Coby is also very charismatic.

   Although Kaitlin was barely in the story, she was a very important character. She made a huge difference in the book, and it wouldn't be the same without her. She was a very caring, helpful, mysterious, and loving person.

   The story Knowledge + Power = Death was made to spread a message. The message is this, don't ever give up on what you have started or what you believe in. Even if people try to bring you down, or change your thinking, you can't give up.

   Coby and Kaitlin continued to live a blessed life with their two children, Ivy and Colten. They made sure that their children were never sad and always felt loved. Coby and Kaitlin were able to fight their sadness, and find their happiness again. They both had no intentions of letting go of it.

   - La Fin -

Knowledge+Power=DeathWhere stories live. Discover now