Chapter Seventeen: Questions and Answers

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The second that Emma June fell to the ground in death, Robert had murmured to Coby, "Watch your step Smith, or your next."

Robert had made a smooth getaway after killing Emma in Coby's home. By the time Coby had gotten to his phone, Robert was gone. He didn't know where he had ran to, or where he might have went. Coby dialed 911 as soon as he could. Remembering back to his last interaction with the police, he had no idea if they would help him or not.

The cops arrived at the Smith mansion at approximately 8:30 pm. The house was a mess. Normally, Coby would have made sure to clean the house, but he was too much in shock to do almost anything. When the cops saw the body laying on the ground, they instantly were intrigued to find out what happened.

"Mr. Smith, what happened?" One police officer asked him.

"Yo Smith, who is this woman laying on the ground?" Another asked while examining Emma's dead body.

"Can you tell me what happened in detail, Coby?"

"How did she die?"

"Was she your girlfriend, Coby?"

"What was she doing here, anyway?"

"Oh my god, Coby did you kill her? If not, who did?"

Coby was getting showered in questions. And he answered them. He wasn't sure if he should have not answered some of them, and keep secrets from the police. But he soon realized that if there were other cameras hidden around his house, and the cops had access to their footage, they would find out the answers anyways.

He answered all of the questions. He very quickly answered the question about if he had killed Emma June. He answered that question with how Robert had killed her. He was very surprised at the policemen's reaction.

As soon as he had to told them that Robert had murdered Emma, all of the policemen all stopped talking. It was dead silent in the house. They all turned their heads at the same time to face Coby. The chief of police came up to Coby and said, "Son, Robert did not kill Emma. He would never do such a thing. He works with us, not against us. He would have no motive to murder Emma."

Coby was in shock, "Then why isn't he here right now? If he works for the police, then why isn't he here right now investigating the crime scene?"

"Coby, you see, he isn't a cop. He is-" the chief of police started to say.

"The what is he?!?!" Coby asked before the chief could finish.

"IF YOU WOULD LET ME FINISH COBY, I WOULD TELL YOU THAT HE IS A SPY. A SPY I TELL YOU." The chief of police yelled. Coby was very surprised at how angry he had gotten.

But that wasn't the only thing that surprised Coby. Not only was the chief very defensive about the matter,but he had just realized that Robert was a spy. Robert was and always has been a spy. This whole "friendship" he had with Robert was a lie, it was just a way to find out all of Coby's secrets. But there was still just one question Coby had. How much did Robert really know?

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