Chapter Four: An Unexpected Phone Call

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Kaitlin Keen was a beautiful woman with blond curly hair and straight teeth. Unlike Coby, she was a lot shorter than him, and she had green eyes. She was in good shape, but at the same time, she loved chocolate almost as much as she loved Coby. But above all, she loved God. She was a very spiritual person that would do anything to please God. After she died, he felt like all of the love had drained out of him. He began to question if love would ever be possible for him again. He believed that there was only one person in the whole world who was meant for each individual. When Kaitlin died, he thought there would never be another person that would ever love him like she did. She was perfect for him. She was almost a woman version of him. He was tall with blond hair. He had blue eyes and almost perfectly straight teeth. They had a few differences, but they were almost the same.

   That's the reason why he didn't want to call Emma June. That's one of the reasons why he was depressed. That's the reason why he didn't want to be in a relationship with anyone for the last year. But at the same time, he wanted to. He wanted to stop being so depressed. He wanted to start a strong and healthy relationship with someone. In fact, he wanted to start a relationship with someone he had bumped into about a month ago. He almost thought that he wanted to start a relationship with Emma June. He wanted to call her and talk to her. But at the same time, he was wondering why everything was happening so fast. Why did he already like her? Why did he want to call her? What did he see in her that was so amazing? Did she feel the same way about him? Why was he thinking so hard about this? Why was he even thinking about this? He didn't know. He didn't know the answer to any of those questions, but he wanted to. He wanted to know the answers to all of those questions.

   That's when his fluffy cat rubbed up against his leg. He then realized that he had been thinking so hard about everything that was on his mind for so long that he forgot about his own cat! He loved his cat. He had gotten his cat when he married Kaitlin three years ago. When he got his cat, she was a little fluff ball with no name and no owner. He was almost forced to get the cat and treat it almost like a real person. He had multiple outfits for his cat, which was very unnecessary for a cat. He had way too many outfits for that cat. He had clothes for it varying from fancy dresses for "special occasions" to soft pajamas for the night time. Half of the outfits didn't even fit the cat anymore, but he was forced to keep them because they brought back so many great memories.

   The cat meowed and rubbed up against his leg again. He couldn't figure out what the cat wanted him to do. One of his greatest wishes was to be able to know what his pets were thinking. That would make life a lot easier, especially at times like this. The cat did it again. This time, with a low grunt, he went to the cats food and water bowls only to find that the cat had no more food left. He realized that he had to go to his local Pet Smart to get a specific kind of food for his cat. He might even get a few new toys and treats for his cat while he was there.

   After changing out of his sweat pants and crappy T shirt, his typical lounge around outfit, he changed into a pair of jeans and a button up shirt. He grabbed his car keys, pet his cat on the head, and locked his front and back door. He went out to his car, unlocked it and got inside. Then, he started his car, popped open his Twenty One Pilots CD case and played the CD in his car. He sat there for a few seconds in his car listening to the great CD, and he stared at his house. He stared at his huge house. He knew he didn't need that big house, but he just couldn't let go of it. He had bought it with Kaitlin when she was alive. The house was a big, white, three story house with a white picket fence. He absolutely hated it. It brought back so many memories. It was so big that he could easily get lost in it. He knew that as soon as he had the chance, he would immediately sell it in a heart beat. He hated the house. He hated the loneliness about it, he hated the size of it. It was way too big for him and his cat. He regretted the day that he had bought that house.

   He started to drive to Pet Smart. As he drove, he turned up the CD to full blast. Unlike the stupid house, he loved all of his Twenty One Pilot CDs. He could listen to them all day. When he arrived at Pet Smart, he walked in thinking about how much it smelled like animal. He enjoyed that smell. It reminded him of his cat. He loved anything that reminded him of his cat. Anyway, he started walking toward the cat food aisle. He wandered around the aisles in search of the right cat food for his needy cat.

   He passed all the aisles. The animal toy aisles, the tiny outfit aisles, the dog bed aisle, the fish and hamster aisles, the cat aisles, all of the aisles. He finally reached the cat food aisle all the way back in the store. He had a hard time finding the specific cat food he was looking for, but he eventually found it. It was 15.65. It was pricy, but it was worth it. He thought about how happy his cat was going to be when he came home with a bag of cat food. He then headed to the cat toys aisles. He picked up a few packs of small toys with bells in it for his cat.

   When he was done getting everything he needed to get for his cat, he walked up to the register. He put all of his items on the conveyor belt at the register. He then felt for his wallet in his back pocket.

   " Your total is 22.75." the cashier said.

   "Ok, thanks." Coby replied to the cashier. He looked into his wallet for the money and fished out a twenty, and three one dollar bills, "Here you go," he said handing his money to the cashier.

   "Thank you so much, have a great day." The cashier said to Coby while handing him his change.

   With that, he said the same thing to her, and left the store. He loaded his bags into the trunk of his car, and got into the driver seat. He had just began to start his car when his phone started buzzing. He looked at it wondering who was calling him. Then, he picked up his phone. He looked at who was calling him. He stared at it in disbelief. The caller was none other than Emma June.

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