Chapter Sixteen: A Deadly Game Of Hide And Seek, Mafia Style

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   Coby's eyes were wider than they had ever been in his whole life, "What are you gonna do with that Robert?" Coby asked very slowly. He wasn't sure if he was in shock or if he was about to faint again.

   "I think you know dang well what I am about to do to you and little miss Emma June over there Coby. If I were you right now, I wouldn't be questioning me. In fact, I'de be saying your last words." Robert said slightly tilting his head to the side and pointing his gun knife at Emma's forehead. Robert walked slowly towards Emma and layed the end of the knife on her forhead. Emma was shaking. Coby could tell the Robert was about to slaughter Emma.

   "My last word...RUN!" Coby screamed while jumping up off the couch and grabbing Emma by the hand.

   "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Robert yelled at Coby.

   At this point, Coby and Emma were bolting down one of the many hallways of the mansion trying to get away from Robert the psycho. Coby and Emma ran into one of the spare rooms down the hall. This was one of Coby's worst nightmares. Being stuck in a huge mansion being chased by a psycho killer.

   When Coby and Emma got into the spare bed room, they didn't know where to hide. They decided on under the bed. They didn't hear anything from outside of the bedroom for a few minutes. They didn't know where Robert had went to. They didn't know where Robert was lurking.

   "We are gonna be ok." Emma said calmly gasping for breath at the same time.

   "I don't know about you. He pointed the knife at you first. I need to protect you more than myself. It sounds like he hates you a lot more than me." Coby responded while he started sweating.

   "You saved my life. He was about to slice me in the head. I would have been dead if you hadn't had jerked me out of his way." Emma whispered.

   "I don't wanna see you die. Especially when I know that I could have saved you." Coby whispered back.

   "Your my hero. And I'm not kidding when I say that. You literally just saved my life. How can I ever make it up to you?" Emma asked.

   "By making out of this house alive and calling the police. That's how you can make it up to me." Coby replied with a small nervous smile.

   "I'll try my best," Emma said as she noticed how scared Coby was, "Coby, we are gonna be fine. As long as the lights are on and we can see him, we will be fine. He can't sneak up on us in the light."

   "That's a great thought." Coby said sounding like he still had a little bit of hope left in him.

   They sat there for a few minutes on silence. Waiting. Waiting for Robert to walk into the room and try to kill them again. But he never came.

   "How strange, where is Robert?" Emma whispered.

   After she said that, they heard loud slow footsteps outside of the door, "Anyone up for a quick game of deadly hide and seek?" They heard him ask. Of course, they did not respond.

   "Ready...Or...Not...Here...I...COME." They heard Robert yell as he ran down they hallway.

   At that point, Coby and Emma were shaking. They heard Robert run down the hall, and down a flight of stairs. Coby suspected that Robert had run down the hallway and downstairs. He wondered why Robert would have run downstairs.

   "We're gonna be fine. He went downstairs, so now we can have time to escape." Emma said trying to reassure him.

   "Well, if we are going to escape, we had better do it right about now." Coby said quickly.

   Then, there was a loud click sound and everything went went black. "Am I dead?" Coby asked, feeling as if he was dead.

   "No silly! I don't know what happened though." Emma whispered in kind of a mean way.

   "COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE." they heard Robert say.

   "What's going on?!?!" Coby whispered very nervously.

   After the loud click noise, they had both realized that Robert had cut off the lights. He had cut off all the lights in the whole house. "We need to get out of here. Right. Now." Emma stammered quietly.

   Coby started sweating, "Where can we go? We are trapped in this mad house, there is a psycho walking around my house with a knife threading to kill us, and we are stuck under a bed! This whole thing is like one big game of mafia! The mafia will kill us off one by one until we catch him."

"You need to snap out of it! We are going to make it out alive! I know we will!" Emma whispered frantically back at him.

"You know, that's what I'de like to think. I'de like to think that we can make it out alive. But, if you think about it, in reality, we probably won't. Like I said, this is all one big game of mafia, and the killer won't stop hunting us down until we catch him and stop him." Coby responded sounding very negative.

"Coby! We need to leave now! We don't have much time to chit chat! Lets go!" Emma said while she was trying to wiggle her way out from under the bed. For she could hear footsteps coming closer to the room they were hiding in.

"No! I won't let you go out there! If you do, you will die!" Coby yelled.

"Ha, gotcha now." Robert yelled down the hall as he started running down the hallway and towards the bedroom.

Emma stood there in complete shock, "COBY! RUN!"

At first, when Coby heard Emma yell at him to run, he was very confused. But when he heard Emma run out of the bedroom and down the hall, he knew exactly what she had meant. He shimmied out from under the bed, and ran out of the bedroom.

   "AAAAH! COBY HELP!" Coby heard Emma June scream from somewhere in the house.

   "EMMA! WHERE ARE YOU?" Coby yelled back at Emma trying to find her and help her.

   "Right behind you now." Robert said calmly while he was standing right behind Coby.

   Coby whipped around and saw something he wished he hadn't seen. Robert had Emma tightly in his grasp. But the worst part was that he had a knife pressed against her throat.

   "What. Are. You doing? Robert, what are you doing?" Coby asked in disbelief. He was about to whiteness the murder of one of his dearest friends.

   "You see Coby, this is what happens when you get a little too curious. This is what happens when you mess with another man's life. In fact, this is what will happen to everyone that you love if you keep living your life this way, Coby." Robert said slowly with a small smirk.

   Coby watched Emma suffer as Robert slowly pressed the knife against her throat. Coby watched as tears rolled down Emma June's face. Coby watched as Emma June whispered the words, "Don't stop being curious Coby. Never stop. Do it for me."


   Emma June's eyes were over flowing with tears. "No Coby, next time, think before executing your actions. Take this as a life lesson." Robert said.

   Coby said nothing.

   "Goodbye sweet little Emma." Robert said as he slit her throat, and killed her.

   Coby screamed as Emma fell to the ground...dead. Coby had never realized how much he liked Emma until she died. He had never told her how much he liked her. But now, she's gone.

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