Chapter Nineteen: Doing Some Research

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Coby was freaking out. He didn't get it. Why was Robert faking his name this whole time? Did Emma June know? If she did, why didn't she tell him? What was Robert hiding? Where was his wife? Was she really dead? What was happening to his life?

Yet again, he needed answers. It seemed to him that any time he started to figure things out, more questions arose. Would he ever find out the truth? Ugh, another question. He decided he needed to go find answers out from real people, not from his computer screen.

Coby opened a new tab on his computer and googled "Zack Pure" just to see what would come up. Several links popped up that would take him to an Instagram account. Since Coby had no other choice, he clicked the first link. It took him to an Instagram account with the name, "Purified Zack"

"Very funny." Coby muttered under his breath.

He scrolled through the photos on the account to see if this was really the Zack he was looking for. Sure enough, he found multiple pictures of Zack, also known as Robert. Not only did he find pictures of just Zack, but he also found pictures of Zack and other grown adults. The other adults looked quite a bit older than him, so Coby guessed that the people were members of his family. The closer he looked, the more he realized that the faces in the pictures looked familiar, but Coby didn't know where he had seen the faces.

Coby scrolled all the way down the page, he just wanted to see what all he had posted. All the way down, he saw something that shocked him. It was a picture of Zack, Emma June, and his wife, Kaitlyn Keen. They were all smiling happily and appeared to have been standing in someone's lab. It could have maybe even been Kaitlyns lab... but he didn't know for sure.

The farther down he scrolled, the more pictures of Emma June he saw. This made him sick. If Zack had posted so many pictures of Emma, then he must have truly cared for her, until he murdered her.

He finally stopped scrolling through Zack's photos, he had found all the information he needed. He new that Zack had a rather large family, so maybe he could get answers.

Coby found a name. While looking at Zack's photos, he had stumbled along a large family photo. Under that photo was a caption. That caption said, "We all love our families, mine is the best." Then, he had tagged some people in the caption. Coby guessed those names were of the people in the photo. So, he clicked on someone's name. The name was, "amazing grace".

"amazing graces'" account didn't have any pictures on it. It was just blank. He did find an address though. For some odd reason, there was a picture of a house with a For Sale sign in the front. They must have been trying to sell their house. The address was 502 North Morgan Street in South Point, California. Coby had to get there.

   Coby was sure that is he went to this address on "amazing grace's" Instagram account, he would find a member of Zack's family. If he did find a family member, he could get answers. Coby was determined to find more out about Zack's background.

   He grabbed a protein bar and a breath mint. He said goodbye to his cat, and headed out to his car. Once in the car, he put on his seat belt and thought about what he would say if somebody did answer the door to the house he was going to. He got anxious just thinking about it. How would the person react? Would they freak out and slam the door in his face? Would they invite him in, or would no one even answer? His head was getting filled with unneeded questions. Coby decided to just go with it, and not worry about what would happen.

   Coby types in the address into his GPS in his phone and started driving. On the way to 502 North Morgan Street, he ate his protein bar and thought about what he would ask first. He had a pretty good idea in his head. He just wanted answers.

   After about an hour of driving, he arrived. Like he had expected, the house was small. It looked like it was a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home. It was brick on the outside, and it had a nice front yard. The house looked better than it did in the photo. There was no For Sale sign in the yard anymore. That worried Coby. If this "amazing grace" person had moved, then he was back to square one. But, on the other hand, the chimney had smoke coming out of it, this meant that someone was in the house.

   Coby got out of his car slowly. He popped his breath mint into his mouth and started walking up the slightly crooked side walk. His hands started to get a little sweaty because he was really nervous. He finally reached the front step and gathered up some confidence. His hand slowly knocked on the front door.

   From the front step, Coby could hear footsteps coming to the door. The front door did not have any windows, so he could not see inside. The footsteps came closer by the second. The suspense was killing him.

   The door opened. Coby made eye contact with the person that opened the door for about two seconds. Then, he fainted. He could not believe his eyes. A woman had answered the door. She was slightly shorter than Coby. She had blonde curly hair and straight, white teeth. She was a beautiful woman with large green eyes. She was a woman that Coby had once loved years ago. She was a woman with the name Kaitlin Keen.

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