Chapter Fifteen: The Questioning, Part Two

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"Not by blood! You're my Step Sister! So don't be goin around telling people that you are my older sister, Like you did just now." Robert said quickly as if he was trying to cover something up.

"What! You guys are related? How is that possible?" Coby asked in surprise.

"Oh Coby, how could you not possibly know how we could be Step Siblings? So, my mom was married to a terrible man. Then, they divorced and my mom took custody of me and my younger brother by blood. Then, my mom married a nicer guy named Jaxon. Jaxon had a son named Robert. He was younger than me. We have hated each other ever since my brother's accident." Emma said.

"Oh." Coby replied sounding like he had just run it of words.

"Even before the accident, Emma was always a terrible sister to me. She was always bullying me and hurting me. I always thought that older sisters were suppose to be nice to their younger brothers. But I guess not." Robert said admitting that there was an accident between him and Emma's younger brother.

"Oh my goodness Robert! You are so fake! Don't turn this whole mess into some stupid, cheesy soap opera. First of all, before the accident, I was never as terrible to you as you make it sound! We were two normal siblings! Sure, we fought verbally and physically sometimes, but that's just what siblings do! Don't you dare try to turn this into an even bigger deal!" Emma exclaimed at him.

"This is a huge deal already! This huge deal is all about the death of my wife! What you guys are doing right now is going off topic! Don't make me turn this into one of those crime movies where I have to tie both of you to your chairs and flash a spot light in your guys's face's!" Coby yelled.

Neither Emma nor Robert said a word. Then Emma said, "Sorry Coby. We'll get back to the questioning."

"Good. Thank you Emma. Now Robert, What was your relationship status regarding Kaitlin Keen? Please, I don't want any thing else but an answer." Coby said sounding desperate for answers.

Robert took a deep breath and said, "Kaitlin was always a nice girl. She would always walk into the Science Lab with a big smile on her face. We never really had any problems. We were in the same class in High School. She did super well in science class, obviously. She never really dated anyone in school. Believe me, guys really tried to get her attention, but she would always reject them and focused on her education. Guys thought she was pretty, smart, wealthy,and popular. She always had a lot of friends. But, that's about it. We never really talked a lot."

"Okay, Thank you Robert. So you never really knew her that well?" Coby asked.

"Correct." Robert replied.

"Okay then. Emma, what was your relationship with Kaitlin?"

"So, I did go to the same school as Kaitlin, but I obviously wasn't in Kaitlin's class because I'm older than her by a year. Um, we didn't really know each other that well. We did have some of the same friends though. We did go to some of the same parties. We did talk a little the times that I swung by the Science Lab to give Robert some of his lunches. Anyway, every time we did ever talk, we always got along. I can say that we were friends by a little bit, but we weren't like buddy-buddy." Emma said.

"Okay, so you also didn't know each other well, but weren't super close friends."


"Okay, thanks. Alright, back to you Robert. What were some of the things about Kaitlin that you did not like about her?"

"Umm... can I not answer? That's kinda an awkward topic. I don't feel comfortable answering that question." Robert said sounding suspicious.

"Uh, sure, you don't have to, but if you don't, then you'll make yourself look really suspicious."

"Fine! Coby, if you really need to know what I think, then fine!"

"Alright then, tell me."

"Alright, alright! What I hated about her was that she was just too curious. Anything that she would ever have questions about she wouldn't stop researching until she found her answer. Sometimes, her questions were never answered. I also hated that she was finding out secrets that she shouldn't have been." Robert reasoned.

"What do you mean? What's so bad about finding out secrets?" Coby asked.

"Some things just aren't meant to be found out. Kaitlin would just always be sticking her nose in places that it didn't belong in."

"What were the secrets that she was she finding out?"

"Coby, that's classified."

"Alright then, now you seem very suspicious. You know that I can call the police at any moment right? In fact, this whole thing is being recorded." Coby said sounding smart.

"Oh really? How is this being recorded?"

"Wouldn't you know? Earlier today when Emma came out of her hiding place, you asked her why she came into my house through my front window. From the whole time that you have been here, Emma nor I had told you anything about how or why Emma got into my house. So, correct me if I'm wrong, but that sure does make you sound like there is a camera hiding somewhere in my house that you have access to. If there is a camera, this whole darn thing is being recorded. That must be why you aren't telling me the truth. You aren't telling me the truth because you know that I can get access to the recording off of the camera, and show it to the police. Does that sound about right Robert? Does it?"

Robert didn't say anything.

"Coby asked you a question Robert. Answer it!" Emma exclaimed. Coby was impressed by how long Emma had stayed quiet.

"Wow. Wow, Coby. I'm impressed! You figured me out. In fact-" Robert stopped talking in mid sentence. When he stopped talking, he stood up and got up onto Coby's couch. He stood on his couch and flicked a small black dot off of Coby's ceiling. That must have been the camera.

"I won't be needing this anymore. Looks like you have feel into my little trap." Robert said as he jumped off of the couch. He smirked a little bit.

Coby looked over at Emma June. Emma's eyes were wide. Coby didn't understand what was going on. "What do you mean Robert?" Coby asked slowly.

"I did kill your wife Coby. Don't act surprised or anything. Now that I told you that, I guess I'm just gonna have to kill you too." Robert said very slowly as he bent down and took a knife out of his cowboy boot.

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