Chapter Ten: The Picture

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The website that Coby read looked a little something like this:

Finding Out the Cause of the Outbreak of Cancer in California
              By: Kaitlin Keen

   Hello everyone who is reading this. My name is Kaitlin Keen, I work at the Science Lab of California. As you may or may not know, there has been an outbreak of cancer throughout all of California and it continues to spread in the past few months. Many have died already, and as many think, this is only the beginning. But from my point of view, I believe that the outbreak of the mysterious cancer is now coming to an end. Because of my recent studies and research, I believe that I know the cause of this cancer.

   Under that short paragraph, there was a button that said, "Click Here To Read The Rest Of The Story". Coby clicked the button, but nothing happened. When he clicked it again, a small box popped up on his screen. The box asked him if he was a scientist at the Science Lab of California. At the bottom of the box, it had two buttons that said "yes" and "no". He was desperate to see what the website would say, so he clicked the "yes" button.

   After he clicked the button, the website told him to enter his first and last name, phone number, date of birth, e-mail, and job at the Science Lab of California. Without thinking, Coby entered his own information. Of course, the website kicked him off and didn't allow him to read what the website said.

   "Dude. Don't be a doofus. Use my information!" Robert said acting as if he was talking to a four-year old.

   "Oh my gosh. I'm so dumb." Coby replied feeling very dumb, "Here, switch me spots. You should fill out your own information."

   "Good idea," Robert said while switching spots with Coby.

   When Robert finished putting his information into the computer with his hands shaking, he clicked the button on the bottom of the screen that said "Next". After he clicked the button, the next screen said, "Success!" then it brought  them to a new screen. The new screen was mostly adds, so they scrolled down. And what they saw was almost all adds. In fact, they scrolled down the website for about three minutes and all it was was adds.

   Then what they saw was shocking. It was a picture. But here's the shocking part. The picture was of two smiling woman. They looked as if they were friends or something. But Coby knew they couldn't be. Because they two woman were Kaitlin Keen and the little old nurse, who he assumed to be Cleopatra R. And underneath the picture, there was caption. The caption said, "Thank You For Giving Us Your Information.".

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