Chapter Six: Finding The Blue Post-It Note

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   The day after Coby and Emma had their phone call, Coby woke up the next day feeling more happy than he usually did in the mornings. He remembered the conversation he had with Emma, and that made him feel excited for the day ahead. It was a Friday morning, so that meant that he had work that day. But knowing that did not make him less happy.

He got out of his bed, and did his normal morning routine, but this time, he pet his cat more. He felt that his cat needed more attention, so that is what he gave his cat. With a smile, he promised his cat that he would bring home a small cup of whipped cream for his cat to enjoy as a small treat.

   When he was done getting ready, he went out to his car, cranked up the volume on his Twenty One Pilots CD and started driving to his work. He was excited to start the day by drawing up a few new ideas for an office building that he and his team at his job had been working on.

That day, he decided, that since he had time to spare, he would take the highway road to his job. That road took slightly longer, but he was fine with that. He hadn't taken that way in a very long time. In fact, it had been long enough to forget that the Science Lab of California was located on that road.

He decided that he would visit the Science Lab of California. He hadn't been there in a while, so he wanted to visit there. He also wanted to say hello to a few of his friends who worked there. He also wanted to visit Kaitlin's Lab. He got there and took a few deep breaths before he walked into the Lab. He also promised himself that he would try to not think about his wife while he was there, just to make sure that he could keep his sanity. A few moments later, he walked in the door. He saw his friend, Robert, working at the front desk.

"Well, look who's here! I didn't expect to see you here today Coby!" Robert said with a smile.

"Hey Robert! How have you been doing?" Coby asked.

"I'm well... peachy!" Robert replied.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, you know, work and stuff can be pretty stressful at times. Most of the time I feel like there just isn't enough time in the world. You know, I just get home from a long day at work to see my family for only a few hours before I head to bed. Then, I go back to work for a while and come home. Then, the cycle just keeps going on and on." Robert said sounding tired, "How have you been holding up lately?"

"I think I know exactly what you mean, and I'm doing fine." Coby replied completely understanding what his friend had just said.

"So, you here to visit Kaitlin's Lab?" Robert said to Coby very seriously.

"Yeah, I also just wanted to say hi to you." Coby said.

"Ok, do you remember where her Lab is? I know it's been a while."

"Actually, I do remember where her Lab is. I used to visit her a lot."

"That is true. I remember that you would visit her almost every Tuesday and Friday to have lunch with her! Good times." Robert said with a smile.

"Yeah, good times, good times. Thanks for letting me in to visit her Lab. It means a lot."

"Any time, yeah, I'm not usually supposed to let people into other people's Lab. But, that's ok. You are one of my friends, so I don't really care."

Coby looked behind him and realized that there was a small line forming behind him, so he decided that he had better get to her Lab, "Well, thanks again, I'd better get to her Lab before an even longer line forms. I'll see you when I leave."

"Okay! See ya then!"

And with that, he left the front desk to go to Kaitlin's Lab. The directions to her Lab were now imprinted on his brain: Upstairs, down the second hall on your left, and her Lab would be the ninth room on your right. When he reached her Lab, he still had about 20 minutes before he had to be at his work. He decided that he'd be in her Lab for about 10 minutes.

He walked in the door of her Lab. It was very dark in that room, so he turned on the light. He went to the middle of her Lab room and sat on a stool next to the island that was in the middle of the room. He looked around the room with sadness. He had so many memories here. He sat there thinking a lot. He thought about life, he thought about his cat, he thought about science in general. But most of all, he thought about Kaitlin.

   All of the sudden, out of boredom, he dragged his hand under a table in the Science Lab. That's when his hand felt something under the table. It felt like a piece of small paper. Within a few seconds, he had peeled it off the bottom of the table. It was a small blu post-it note. It said something. It took him a few seconds to read the note. When he finished reading it, he was to shocked to breath. In big bold letters, it read: Kaitlin Keen's Death Was Not An Accident.

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